Saturday 9 April 2016

April Showers; Scuppered Plans

Definitely an April showers day, and some of the showers were heavy and cold - eurgh, not nice to get caught in...(I hope you can see this little animated gif, made up of 11 photos while we sheltered in the car).
Our plan to continue digging the potato plot didn't come to much. Jamie did some digging, but I spent time clearing last year's carrot and parsnip plots. A lot of grotty parsnip and carrot remains were chopped up and added to the compost bin. And 2 soggy piles of thistles, grass and other weeds have been put on a grid to dry - some chance! The patch looked better when we left, but too rainy to stop for a photo.
Our seeds, and a few tiny seedlings, got a nice watering while we left them outside the greenhouse. I sowed salad leaf, rocket and little gem lettuce in a tray last Sunday. Also some chard and Boltardy beetroot into modules. Today I sowed some Florence fennel into modules too. There are also our free petunias 'Night Sky' which arrived as plug plants last week and have been potted on. I hope they grow to be as beautiful as the pictures promise!
Our 3 grafted pepper plants were delivered from Thompson & Morgan during tthe week and Jamie potted them on and put them in a little propagator (an old Roses chocolates container). There's one of each: Britney, Chelsea and Milena.
Here's a link to my latest Chainmail article. Written in January when we were still in misery about losing the site. It's still hanging over us, but nothing seems so bad in Springtime..
During one long shower we escaped to the local Wyevale Garden Centre and bought some Farmyard manure. It was still too rainy when we got back to the plot so we gave up and went home.

Tuesday 5 April 2016

8 Years and Counting

April 5th 2008 was an important date in my life. I was woken by a phone call at 4:50am and told there was a suitable donor kidney available for me at the Churchill Hospital in Oxford. I had received this call twice before, but on those occasions the kidney turned out to be a more suitable match to other patients than for me. But, with thanks to the generosity of a bereaved family, it really was third time lucky for me. The actual transplant operation didn't take place till after 11:00pm. The recipient of the other available kidney went to theatre earlier in the day. It was a long day, with lots of x-rays, blood tests and other tests to ensure my fitness and suitability to receive the kidney.
I thought this was funny
My new kidney was a slow starter. It was a long 4 weeks of waiting for blood results to improve before I could finally stop haemodialysis. That was probably the worst period during my whole 'kidney failure experience' and I still couldn't eat all those tasty foods that were considered off limits whilst on dialysis for nearly 4 years.
One of my lovely nurses, Raji, connecting me up for a dialysis session
It was during my convalescence that a note was posted through the door asking if we would be interested in an allotment in Hungerford. We knew it would be good to have a more healthy pastime for my new lease of life, rather than playing games on and fiddling with computers. But it was a bit too early to know how I was going to feel after the transplant so we put our names on the list. It was almost a year after my operation that we received an email saying that a new site was opening in Hungerford and there was going to be a 'stone clearing session' and that afternoon we started digging Plot 7 Marsh Lane.
Since the transplant, and having the allotment, Jamie & I have a healthier diet and lifestyle. The transplant improved my appetite (a little too much perhaps!) and the allotment has gone some way to improve our diet.
I have been mostly healthy over the last 8 years (currently 17 tablets a day keep my blood results on track). I check my regular blood test results online through the brilliant PatientView resource which I understand is available to all UK kidney patients and I meet my consultant to discuss how things are going every 3 or 4 months.
Renal Patient View
Please register as an organ donor and let your family and friends know if you want your organs to be used to improve lives, should the worst happen to you. Your memory will live on through your grateful recipients and your legacy can be saving lives.


Saturday 2 April 2016

Finding Things

We had a great afternoon on the plot in the sun today - digging, sitting and chatting. Jamie found a marble and a coin - always a treat! This is the third and oldest we've found.
The coin is very light and quite small 23mm diameter. After a bit of cleaning, manipulation in a photo app and a bit of web browsing we figure it's a farthing. Four farthings made a penny, so not too much to lose. This is Britannia 

George II reigned from 1727-1760. The coin is dated 1740-something, can't quite make out the last number. But, once you know, it is possible to make out part of GEORGIUS and the II. And, I think it may be 1744, because there is a U in his name, rather than a V.   Cool!

We also found that our broad beans have sprouted - hoorah!
And our potato chits are going a bit crazy, so we really want to get them planted out in the next week or two...

Monday 28 March 2016

What Katie Did

That was a stormy night! Lashing rain and howling winds. We were expecting destruction on the site, but it was surprisingly unaffected. There isn't much to damage at this time of year. There are a few flowers on plots but this tiny wildflower (the flowerhead is about 5mm) is making its own way along the stone pile.
Common Field Speedwell
Not much for a bee to enjoy but we have seen a few. Today this bumblee was put amongst our grape hyacinths when we found her on the grass.
Wildlife blog has more photos
Jamie was on compost-duty; merging the two bins on Plot3 and moving them away from the potato plot. We always end up moving our bins around the plots and then finding they're still in an inconvenient place!
I was sowing some seeds! I've sown coriander, dill and parsley into biggish pots in the greenhouse. I mixed some manure with potting compost from last years potato and grow bags. It may be a bit early, but plenty more seeds if these ones fail. I also sowed some Boltardy beetroot into modules.
I sprinkled Grow-More in the raised bed and covered it with black plastic so the earth will get nice and warm for sowing in a few weeks time.
Blossom bursting in the hedge
Last job of the day - empty last night's rain from the gauge!
Quite a lot for one night

Sunday 27 March 2016

Across the Marsh in March

It's an early Easter this year, so a bit too soon for our spuds to go in. We had a lovely Good Friday, digging on Plot 3, but yesterday and today have been rainy so no digging. We've walked via the allotment both days though; we're waiting for our broad beans to germinate; the salad leaf has sprouted already. Today we ventured through rain, wind and bright sunshine across Freeman's Marsh and back through town when this amazing rainbow appeared.
Buds are emerging on the trees and shrubs so it won't be long now...
Looking forward to the rhubarb which is normally one of our first harvests.
The birds are pairing up and singing their little heads off in the hedges - masses of robins, starlings and blackbirds, but I can't resist a photo of the swans who look so clean against the dark water today.
The recent rainy weather has made the marsh very wet in places.
I love these grass tussocks alongside the stream.
Red kites are always flying over the allotment and this one was enjoying the windy weather over the marsh today.
Back home now and we've just had some loud claps of thunder - Storm Katie announcing herself I think! I hope there's some lightning when it gets dark!