Showing posts with label Photo-Sphere. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Photo-Sphere. Show all posts

Monday, 10 October 2022

Round Here

Our allotment planet! I do love these 'little planet' style photos and I found instructions on this site. I thought you needed a special bit of kit to make these images. You must have seen them before, there are some amazing images on-line. I find them very pleasing 😌

Little planet - allotments
Here are some other things that have pleased me over the last week.
Like that beautiful clear blue sky on Saturday and a robin singing his little heart out in the ash tree by our plot.

Robin in full song
A trug full of veg, including my tiny butternut squash and some baby patty pans, for delicious garlic-roasted vegetables, which covered one evening meal and two lunches.
Trug full of home grown veg
Opening the curtains to a beautiful sunny October daybreak so Jamie and I could have a plot barbecue with sweetcorn straight from the plant (sorry I dropped yours in the ash, Jamie).
Daybreak in Hungerford
Seeing the bright pink spindle berries in the allotment hedge, knowing that their next phase is to reveal their amazing orange fruits.
And, did I mention this little chap serenading us all afternoon?
Singing robin
Remembering to zip down the polytunnel so our tomatoes and peppers didn’t get nipped by the frost on Saturday night, it sank to -0.5° and hit plants outside the polytunnel, though not the everything - surely these are the last of the courgettes?! That pleases Jamie 🤭
Final courgettes of the year?
Pulling a single Sarpo Mira plant on Sunday and getting all these great spuds.
Sarpo Mira potatoes
Enjoying fiery Autumn skies as sunrise and sunset get closer together. 
Sunrise over Hungerford
Oh, and did I mention the robin and that blue sky? We sat for hours just soaking up the rays while we contemplated doing some deadheading (pointless, the frost got them the next day) or weeding. And Ivan came to join us for a chat about his wine-making - his first batch of wine from his allotment grape vine is in preparation!
Musical robin
And yesterday I found that Little Planet tutorial which turned this panorama into that tiny world.
It's just converted using a bit of image manipulation. Here's the 'world' from a different angle.
Little Planet Allotment
I hope you find some cheer in your world, have a good week. Song title provided by the excellent Counting Crows.

Monday, 4 May 2015

Ooh! The Pain!

Ah, I needed that bath! After about 6 hours on the allotment - on the new plot. Phew, digging is hard work again! I'd like to show an 'After' shot but it's so insignificant you'd barely notice the difference! So, here's a picture of the one and only flower on the plot - a calendula left over from last year. It shines out like a beacon. Jamie transplanted it from the edge on Saturday.
Of course, when I say 6 hours on the allotment - the digging didn't quite fill that time. We had the good idea of taking wine and olives to have lunch on the little table and chairs that were left by the previous tenant. It was a great idea - but didn't make the digging any easier..!

We've just about finished digging the first 1/2 metre in from the path; so much couch grass! So much tree/hedge root! So much work! Lucky it's Jamie's plot ;-)
Nice to see the site from a different perspective
I have a panorama photo Google app on my iPad, so I took that to the site and made a 360° panorama of Plot 7/8 which you can see if you click here.
I then made another of the whole site  which captures a few of the plotholders too
I should have taken photos into the sky a bit so that it wouldn't have this curved letterbox look.. I still rather like them.

The garlic is growing well on Plot 8. It was looking a little yellow, so I watered it with Epsom Salts yesterday - the salts add magnesium to the soil which allows the plants to take in the nutrients they need and improves photosynthesis (so the leaves should 'green up' a bit).
These are my transplanted lettuces from yesterday. I was pleased the ones outside the wire survived the night, I thought the pigeons or other birds may find them too irresistible.