Showing posts with label lease. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lease. Show all posts

Saturday, 7 January 2017

Five Years

At last! The news we've been waiting for... Hungerford Town Council and the housing developer (on behalf of the landowner) have confirmed ("in principle" - well, nothing's signed yet) that we can have a further five year lease extension - yay!
Our changing plot over the last few years
We can do a lot with 5 years and actually plan a bit. Of course, we are still hoping that permanence is on the cards in the future, but let's not be greedy at this point! Now, where did we put those seed catalogues?!
And, this post's music is provided by the lovely David Bowie, such a sad loss last year...

Friday, 21 June 2013

Am I dreaming?!

Well, I thought I must be but at the moment it seems that I'm not!
Unbelievably, about 10 minutes after publishing my last post I was notified that the developer had a change of heart (I know! I know!)Our Marsh Lane lease is to be extended for two years subject to contracts being signed!!

We went to the plot later and had a little celebration with our fellow plotholders - some of whom hadn't received the first email so were blissfully unaware of the pains most of us were going through!
The HAHA AGM should be a more light-hearted affair now :-)

Ugh - Leased land is rubbish!

Oh no, here we go again....
De-ja-vu of 2009
We've been told by the developer/landowner won't extend the lease on Marsh Lane because it could put a block on future development of the site :-( Basically we can't use the site as an allotment even though there's no planning application in sight yet. So frustrating!! So much time and effort put in to make the Marsh Lane site such a brilliant commodity for Hungerford.

There's the likelihood of an alternative site but at present that would also be on a short lease - not a great position - can just imagine re-posting this in another 4 years....
We'll have to see what happens at the HAHA AGM on Monday evening.

On a plus note, in the last week we've eaten our first handful of strawberries - bad luck Jamie for getting the one that the red ants had got into <bleah>
Jamie also planted out six more Scarlet Empire runner beans and two jack-be-little squashes.
My fennel is still being eaten. I tried spraying with various things - the detergent seems to have got rid of the greenfly but I think slugs were joining in the fun. 7 plants left now....