Wednesday 19 September 2012

Avast me hearties!

Hoist the Jolly Roger!
It's international talk like a pirate day!
And there was frost on the caarrr in Hungerford - yaarrr, but only down to 5 degrees at t'plot - Aarrg, so all the veggies are fine aye!

Sunday 16 September 2012

Strawberries are in and first celeriac is out!

Another couple of hours on the plot today. Not sunny but pretty warm and there were a few friends to chat to for a while.
We put our strawberry plants in. Very pleased to see how much the runners had rooted in just 3 weeks!

Well-rooted strawberry runners
Managed to get the eight plants in with plenty of room for spreading and the weed suppressant hump should mean that water runs away from the strawberries... that's the plan...
We pulled our first celeriac. There were a lot more roots than I expected! Once I'd cut them back there is rather less celeriac than I've seen in shops, but plenty for our mash this evening! It smells lovely and I tasted a bit of the root - it's like a slightly more subtle celery.
Hairy celeriac
Picked lots of tomatoes and other bits for a lovely bruschetta lunch, salad for work lunches and I'm going to do a ratatouille in the week - will need at least one courgette for that but that won't be a problem!
We're really pleased with the tomatoes. We've just got the 3 plants in tubs on the plot but they're producing masses of toms. Lots of people seem to have had problems this year with blight but our tumbling variety has managed to avoid the worst of it. They have collapsed and a few toms and branches are clearly succumbing now but this is the best year so far with regards to tomatoes on our plot - we'll be looking to buy Lizzano plants again next year!
Lovely veggies!

Saturday 15 September 2012

Like a summer's day!

We had a lovely few hours in the sun today. Some fair weather cloud developed throughout the afternoon but it stayed at about 19°. You can see in the photo below how red the hedgerow has gone with all the berries. It certainly feels autumnal in the mornings but during the day it's been lovely over the last week.

There were masses of white butterflies around today and were enjoying our radishes which have seriously gone to seed but are very pretty! Talking of butterflies, the results of the 2012 Big Butterfly Count are in - my record compared fairly well with the national results, but the whites and the peacocks arrived just too late for the count - they're certainly around in abundance now!

Small white on radish flowers
And this silver y moth was enjoying the radishes too.

The big orange frog was back so looks like he's going to look after our plot for us  :-) Here's a lesson learnt though - don't leave your plastic trays around, the snails have moved in!!

Snail Hotel
I collected some of the coriander seeds - shame we're not going to have enough carrots to make soup with! There are still plenty, like these ones,which aren't dry enough to collect yet.
The Cornells bush delicata squash is developing it's stripes and the plant is still looking healthy. But the Rocky cucumber is dying off.
After a lot of weeding, scoffing a few strawberries and raspberries and some more dead-heading we went home with the plot looking pretty and tidy!

Friday 14 September 2012

Planes, beans, parsnips

Had a walk up the plot this afternoon for some fresh air during my recuperation day. I didn't do anything strenuous, just watched Jamie watering everything. We saw two big Hercules aircraft fly over - pretty impressive.
We picked all the big runners, this may encourage new ones to grow that won't be stringy Hmm, hope so but not too sure. The nights are still getting down to 5° Such a waste otherwise. I took some home intending to freeze the podded beans - they're nice added to dishes like cottage pies and casseroles.
Our parsnips really don't look happy - don't know why the leaves have collapsed. The one I ate last week tasted ok but not too convinced that they'll last till Christmas with leaves like that!
Collapsed parsnips

Monday 10 September 2012

Food, frogs and children

It was a lovely sunny, warm day again yesterday - albeit rather windy. We managed to get the weed suppressant pegged down over the strawberry bed and it looks very tidy, ready and waiting for the little strawberry plants to bed down for the winter!

8 little strawberry plants
Jamie spotted a big brown frog today - can't be the same ones that we saw earlier in the year - unless they've eaten so many slugs they've grown really quickly - that could explain the colour too, ugh!
Refusing to pose for a photo, but you can see the colour
We didn't do much else, just a bit of dead-heading (yawn) and picking veggies. Including some courgettes from Neal's plot which I'll share at work.
Nice trugful of goodies
I forgot to say that on Saturday we had to do an impromptu tour of the plot for some visiting children. They were on their first field trip as part of the Cherry Grove Saturday morning club. I showed them around our plot and let them eat some raspberries, then led them to Geoff's plot to eat his raspberries too - Geoff's on holiday but did say we could pick any that were ripe :-}