Wednesday, 20 September 2017

The Times They Are A-Changing

Misty mornings are here, the heating is on at work and squashes are appearing around the site as the leaves are dying back. It's definitely Autumn now. We've picked all our Jaune et Vert. I'm still not sure whether they're Summer or Winter squash, but they look great.
I had one as part of a roasted veg meal, but I hope most of them will keep for our HAHA stall at the Hungerford Food Festival on 8 October.
At the weekend we sowed three grass paths between four new mini-plots on our site and also showed a new plotholder around. I'm glad the sun shone a bit which always makes the site look lovely. There were a lot of butterflies about, including Red Admirals and this fine specimen of a comma.
We've harvested our first sweetcorn. I can't describe how deliciously sweet the cobs are. Even though they aren't all perfectly pollinated Lark are definitely worth growing in our opinion.
And the plot is still providing me with lunch if I haven't made soup - today's included lettuce, beetroot, cucumber, tomato and cheese.
Bob Dylan, of course, sings the title track.


  1. The squashes look so interesting! I have never grown this variety. How about the taste?

    1. To be honest, the roasted one was not very flavousome, rather like marrow

  2. Looking good. Makes me feel hungry! I may try to grow some sweetcorn next year.

    1. You definitely should! Looks so lovely and makes a nice sound in a breeze too

  3. I'm just so jealous. The Jaune et Vert that I grew as an experiment this year both failed to fruit at all! I read that they need a long growing season but maybe they are heat sensitive too. Yes I am jealous!

  4. Replies
    1. So far they seem to look more interesting than they taste!

  5. Well, sorry about that! But you are a lot further north than us!

  6. We didn.t do too well with courgettes this year. I love those green ones.

  7. We had a lot of Red Admirals in the garden, but I have to confess I don't know if I would have even spotted the comma - it looks like an autumnal leaf - truly amazing.


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