Friday 17 June 2011

Worms get knotted

No time to visit the plot today but I found something interesting on t'internet. On occasion we've found worms tied in knots in the ground - not just one knot but completely knotted balls. It turns out that they do this to conserve water during particularly dry spells (so no wonder we were finding them this Spring). They also do it during very cold weather.
Well, I thought it was interesting! I'll try to get a photo when we next spot one - if it stops raining again!


Wednesday 15 June 2011

Evening stroll

We've just got back from the plot. Our shallots (Pikants and Golden Gourmet) have grown really tall - we think our compost may have been a bit rich for them. Some of the golden gourmets have flowered but we've been pinching the tops off so hopefully we'll still get ok shallots from them...

Golden Gourmet
On the walk back we managed to catch a bat on camera - under the bridge over the River Dun on Bridge Street. They swoop around and fly really close to your face. We've seen them there before - but didn't see any last year so it's good that they're back.

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Peas are popping up!

We went for a quick walk round the plot at about 8pm yesterday. After the rain all day Sunday the plot's looking much happier - the crimson broad beans have emerged and the second lot of peas (petit pois) are growing well.

Succession planting of Petit Pois

Crimson broad bean just emerging

We also found (and ate) the first few raspberries - the birds had spotted them first of course!

Sunday 12 June 2011

Well, it's raining

It's been a weird year (weather-wise) so far - I will update the website with Jan-June information, but the blog starts here!

We spent a couple of hours on the plot this morning - braved the hammering rain and wind. Still the ground isn't actually all that wet.
I planted the 11 sweetcorn plants which have been waiting in the cloche for a couple of weeks. We put the bottle cloches round them to stop them getting blown over or eaten. Noticed that about 5 more sweetcorn have actually germinated too, so that's excellent - will probably plant them out in the next week.

Jamie put the environmesh round the brussels sprout plants - they look happy and no caterpillars or eggs on them yet!!

Pulled a couple of the Rocket potato plants - 1.59kg of spuds