Monday, 2 December 2024


Well, that was quick! Now it’s December! It’s still wet, not sure it’s ever going to dry up! There are self-formed ponds on the site where we’ve never seen water-logging before. (Not our plot, yet)
We’ve only been to the plot for very brief visits over the last week. The robin is always. pleased to see us bringing his breakfast of mealworms. And there are carrion crows, magpies and a male pheasant with three females - not sure if they’re last year’s offspring, but they’re safer on our site than in the fields where we can hear shooting 😠
We’ve had a couple of very clear, frosty early morning visits. It is worth getting up early on these clear days - whatever the season!
The temperature was down to -4° on Thursday morning. The teasels really do look great. 
Some of the remaining plants look so pretty with their coating of frost.
Others less so! Our leeks and garlic should be able to survive this though.
Curly parsley is quite resilient but this may have been too cold for it to pull through. The different types of frost are interesting, aren’t they?
I’m not sure whether frosting increases the flavour of brassica anymore - I expect they’re bred to be tasty, but the sprouts were frozen on the stems under this leafy top.
It was a lovely early morning visit, but brrrr I was happy to get back home to get back to work! It made a nice change to have a sunny outlook even though I had to pull the curtains because the Sun is so low it reflects on my computer screen! But today I’m on leave - yay! Here are Earth, Wind and Fire to dance around to.


  1. We have female pheasants on site too

    1. I’m not sure what they find to eat, no wonder they’re continually pecking.

  2. The waterlogging on my site has gradually got worse over recent years. I like frosty pictures, which I always think a touch magical. xx

    1. It isn’t getting an opportunity to fry off between the drenchings 😔
      Yes, me too, I do enjoy frosty days


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