Saturday 19 October 2024


We definitely needed the chiminea last Sunday as the temperature wasn’t great before we started our picnic (some call it a wine club, whatever, it’s a lot of fun!).
It was too cloudy for any star gazing that evening but Jamie and I went up after work on Thursday; the one night with clear skies, hoping to see the Comet A3. With Sunset at about 6:00pm and a good western sky view we thought we’d be lucky.
Unfortunately we’ll have to wait another few thousand years to see that one, but we did have a lovely evening nonetheless.
We enjoyed the most amazing Super Moon - so beautiful emerging from a cloud.
And the bats were extremely active.
And very difficult to photograph! They were flitting about really close to us.
The ginger cat was hanging round, but wasn’t interested. Either they were too quick for him or possibly he was too full after catching a mouse in front of us, running away when I tried to stop him and then gobbling part of the mouse when I caught up with him - what a naughty boy!
So, you can see it’s been an exciting week 😊 and also my new pasta spoon arrived - perfect for gnocchi too. We’re trying to get through all the tomatoes which are going red quite quickly in the polytunnel and certainly once we bring them home. Peppers, garlic and cavolo Nero or chard are also included in my meals and I roasted one of the small butternut squashes. The meals were tasty but the squash wasn’t as sweet as I expected.
So that’s it for now. The Sun is shining so we need to make the most of it. No chiminea required today; it’s 15° Woohoo!
Put your feet up and enjoy this title song by Puddle of Mudd in honour of my bat and moon photos!


  1. Oh hiw upsetting to observe the fate if the mouse.Pity cats don't eat slugs! Great moon photo.


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