Sunday 25 August 2024

It’s a Beautiful Thing

It’s been rather rainy and feeling rather Autumnal, but I have a few days off work for the Bank Holiday so that’s a bonus!

I’ve been a bit poorly so didn’t make it to the Horticultural Show - I only had a few photos and a ‘longest runner bean’, which wasn’t record-breaking, so I decided to have a slob day instead. The Sun eventually came out in the late afternoon so we went up the plot to feed everything after they’d had a good drenching.

If you you look at my Wildlife on the Allotment blog, you'll see that we've recently been watching what goes on when we're not on the plot - we aimed the wildlife camera towards the water bowl. The hedgehog(s) are a regular visitor, the fox has been seen a couple of times as has a mouse, along with the big fluffy black cat and Marmalade/Major/Orlando - just 3 of the names the ginger cat has! The magpies are ever-present and looking a bit bedraggled at the moment - assuming this is one of the parents.
The female pheasant still has 2 chicks left and it's usually a shock to see her when wandering past an overgrown plot. One of the not-so-little ones is more adventurous than the other. 
The squirrel is also a regular visitor. It doesn't usually venture as far as Plot7 when we're there, but we've seen it under the trees by Plot3 and in the hedgerow. In one of the captures it was bundling up moss so appeared to be collecting nesting materials and it's certainly enjoying burying things for Winter.
We put the wildlife camera in the polytunnel for a couple of nights. Apart from a mouse and the hedgehog trundling by the only other thing we captured was birds - enjoying an early morning dust-bath! We think they're wrens.
We've had a few plot visits, to pick a few things - mostly cucumbers and that one tomato (we have had a few more than that!) from the outside plant.
And Jamie pulled a Desiree potato - some whoppers in there and, dare I say it, no slug damage!
Here's another calendula with raindrops - such a beautiful flower. I can remember them being my favourite when I was little.
And another trug. Although our runner bean and french bean plants were pretty decimated by slugs early in the year, they are producing plenty of tasty beans. The stripey courgette looks good and ... have I mentioned the cucumbers..!
So, with 3 days left of my bank holiday break, I'm feeling in the mood for a picnic so looking forward to that later this afternoon and if we're lucky we may get a bit of star-gazing in too. Enjoy the Bank Holiday and here's a song to start the day...Ocean Colour Scene - beautiful 🎶


  1. Lucky you to gat a drenching just gales here and a bit if drizzly stuff.

    1. The windy weather is trying to tear down our sunflowers now. ☹️

  2. I hope that you're feeling better, and a shame that you didn't get to the horticultural show. It's surprising just how much wildlife is active on allotments.
    Wonderful pot marigold pictures, which as I'm sure you know are my favourite flowers. I'm been surprised at how little slug damage there is on my potatoes.
    Take care, and happy plotting. xx

    1. Thanks Flighty, I’m sure I’ll feel perfectly fine when I’m back to work tomorrow 🙄
      Yes, it’s nice seeing what visits when we’re not there and see what they get up to. I thought you’d appreciate the marigold photos.
      Best wishes


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