Saturday 5 March 2016

Hail to the Plotholder..

Hail and cold winds, sleet, rain but also sun! Yay! It's March! And the birds were out in numbers. I've updated the wildlife blog, but I can't resist adding this photo here.
So exciting when you see that flash of bright red!

Jamie had a morning session on the plot and I joined him after lunch. He had dealt with the rhubarb; weeding the area and adding manure around the two plants on Plot 8.
We cleared all the dead foliage from the strawberry plants and Jamie planted up a couple of new plants to fill gaps in the row that we planted in 2014.
This row was going to be pulled out this, their 4th, year (they were planted up in September 2012), but if it's the last year on Marsh Lane then we won't waste time on that job. The plants are really over-crowded so don't look that pretty but I'm sure they'll still produce plenty of tasty fruits.
We ate the last of the leeks last weekend, so we've cleared, dug and Grow-Mored that part of the plot. That's where our Santero onions are going this year. They were delivered this week so we plan to plant them out next weekend when the ground has settled a bit.
Uh-oh! Looks like a hailstorm
There were potatoes here last year. We didn't find any today, but I bet we'll find some growing there in a couple of months time!
We were pleased to get that sorted and pleased that after a few years of digging it wasn't too painful!

Saturday 27 February 2016

Digging, Stoning, Composting

The last week has been dry and today was too, even though it's a Saturday in February 2016!
Jamie wasn't IN the compost bin!
We were digging up the raspberries on Plot3. They are a real mess. It seems like the ground wasn't dug before they were planted, probably about 6 years ago. It was tough digging through the couch grass, raspberry roots and mares tail which is pretty bad on that plot. 
And we gathered a bucketful of big stones. But among the stones we found this one...
We're sure this has been shaped by man rather than by nature. Would love to know if anyone has any advice on this type of thing. This is the other side.
And this one...

This stone has a hole, it doesn't go all the way through, but I love the look of it in close-up and I'm thinking that little bit of grit may be what caused the hole in the first place... Maybe(?)
I replenished one if the compost bins, mostly with tea and coffee bags and other kitchen waste. Then topped it off with a load of dried-out calendula. There are lots of worms and other critters that will enjoy tucking in to that lot.

And lastly, the garlic has sprouted - yay!
I've also updated the wildlife blog.

Saturday 20 February 2016

A Word in your Ear

Another very windy and wet Saturday, so just another quick visit to the plot. Really not very much going on on the site, but I found these Jew's Ear fungi on an elder tree branch which had blown down.
The name Jelly Ear or Wood Ear is perhaps more politically correct, but the Latin name is a bit more specific Auricularia auricula-judae. It is edible, but I didn't pick it. We have eaten it in the past. I've got a vague memory of its chewy texture, but not the taste.
Most of our visit was spent in the greenhouse looking out for wildlife. Something with four feet had walked on our raised bed and one garlic clove had been pulled up, but no other clues and no sign of mammals or even many birds today.
We walked home through the wind and rain, with a few of last years garlic harvest to have with dinner tomorrow. I hope they haven't grown when I cut into them.
Our seeds arrived in the week - look at that little lot! It'll be good to get started, but there are a few weeks and lots of preparation to do yet...

Sunday 14 February 2016

All Routes Lead to the Allotment

Ooh, that's a chilly wind out there! We went to the allotment with a plan and stuck to it but I was happy to be on the way home when I took this photo in the St Lawrence Churchyard - it's looking so pretty at the moment with daffodils, snowdrops and crocus.

On the allotment we now have about 20 cloves of garlic planted (too cold to count) in the little raised bed. I sprinkled onion fertiliser around and dug a bit in before pushing the garlic in, just below the surface.
Here are the leeks that Jamie pulled and we also got some sprouts for tomorrow's dinner. Tonight we've got leeks and Quorn lardons (like little bits of bacon, without the piggy) in a cheese sauce, topped with potato - yum yum!
I pulled some carrots (which are way past their prime, even though they're Eskimo). They're rather slug/fly eaten and the two-legged monster may be rather tough... I may make soup, but haven't got any onions. I may use some of the miso we have left over from Chinese New Year - if the carrots are ok once I've chopped them up. Or I may just have a bath instead :-)
This blogpost got me thinking about the various routes we walk to reach our Marsh Lane allotment (as you probably know, this may be the last year for this particular site). It's pretty much a mile from home no matter which route we take.,-1.5241545,1314m/data=!3m1!1e3
  • We can walk along the canal towpath from the High Street
    • and cut through the Churchyard
    • or walk along further to the lock
  • We can walk across Freeman's Marsh, along the River Dun and then cross the canal
  • We can walk up the High Street
    • under the railway bridge and go past the library (currently under threat of closure due to Government funding cuts) 
    • or cut through The Croft past the Hungerford Club
What a lovely location we have, but, if we need to move so-be-it. I'd rather have a permanent site, in a not-so-pretty area than go through this lease debacle every year or so! The Council and HAHA are working on a plan - well, there's a workparty which I'm a member of so hopefully we will get something worked out.. soon.

Saturday 13 February 2016

They're He-ere...

No, not these little potato chitting dolls 'Sprouting tuber mimics by Karly Perez', Aren't they sweet? Although they are rather sad in this photo as they haven't got hair or clothes yet!

Here's the real thing. This is the Salad Blue.
And these are the Athlete, much more hairy! We were trying to work out whether the hairs are roots or whether they let the potato that it's buried and time to grow properly (Jamie's theory). I couldn't find the definitive answer, but now we reckon they are the beginning of roots.
It's worth zooming into the photo a bit more if you can...
It's a rainy day (of course) so we stayed in this morning and ordered lots of seeds online from Thompson & Morgan. We used our Tescos Clubcard vouchers so got all the seeds for a third of the price and T&M had a deal too, so we added a few more flower seed packets to the basket. I included purple honesty; the flowers are so pretty and, of course, the seed heads are too. My mother always has lots in her garden (I should have collected some seeds in the Autumn).
In the afternoon we went to the plot to feed the birds. There were couple of robins and we also saw thrushes and a tiny wren. Brrr, it was cold. Some of our leeks aren't looking that healthy, but they should be tasty - we intend to have some for dinner tomorrow.
In fact, the whole plot looks a real mess, but there's plenty of time yet...