Sunday 22 September 2024


Special delivery! Plotholders are always pleased with a manure delivery - it’s just a shame our plot is at the other end of the site from the manure heap 😩 I only managed three barrow-loads before collapsing, but we’ll get a few more.  HAHA charges £1.50 per barrowful. We pulled the last of our Desiree spuds to use that plot as a storage area until we’ve worked out next year’s planting plan.

I need to pull the courgette from that plot. We’ve had probably our last fruit from it - looks great, but unfortunately it had a hollow heart so no good for eating sadly. But we’re pleased that the Lark sweetcorn are providing us with some delicious cobs, they’re such a sweet variety.
We’ve had some proper stormy weather over the last two days. The early morning lightning was great yesterday (Saturday) as it was still dark when it was lighting up the sky. The rain was torrential and measured 22mm on the allotment. I planted the garlic on Friday - 22 cloves of Carcassonne Wight - so I hope that appreciated the drenching.
We were on site for another torrential downpour but stayed in the polytunnel - it was so loud but no thunder or lightning.
Within an hour we were soaking up the warm rays of dazzling sunshine!
This dandelion looked so pretty drying out in the sunshine and there’s Jamie doing the same on the bench by the extremely overgrown wildlife plot. 😎 
I did a bit of baking last weekend - another ‘floral focaccia’ with a garlic flour mix. Pretty and tasty!
And the plot flowers are still looking pretty - these zinnia were mostly not touched by the frost. Such lovely colours, but the flowers were a bit slow to arrive this year so we haven’t got the flowerbed display I was hoping for. This post is sounding a bit depressed - it’s not meant to be! It’s been a pretty good year, all things considered! And I have a few days off work next week.
Last Sunday we didn’t picnic because we went to see an art event ‘Ablaze’ in Newbury, with fire and music along the canal and in Victoria Park. It was good with lots of people enjoying the metalwork and flaming sculptures.
Which provides the opportunity to use this great track by Kasabian.


  1. I've also planted garlic and like you have been disappointed with mt/y annial flower bed.

    1. Your plantings are enormous compared to ours 🙂 And has reminded me I was intending to over-winter onions. Maybe I still will

  2. Good post and pictures as always. You're certainly keeping busy one way and another. That floral focassia looks delicious. I had mixed fortunes with my annual flowers as the cornflowers were a complete no-show and the pot marigolds disappointing. Never mind next year... xx

    1. Thanks, yes a rather frustrating year, but not so bad really! Take care


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