
Friday 15 July 2022

I’m Free

I have more than a week off work - Yippee! And the weather is good - Hooray! 

Little Fluffy Clouds Scudding
Actually the weather has been beautiful continuously since my last post. The photo above was from last Sunday when the clouds put on a marvellous display throughout the day. And look at these beauties.
We spent most of the weekend on the plot, but needed the shade of the brolly at times. The daily watering continues.
Our one gladioli 
We spent much of the time potting up flower troughs and pots of begonia, lobelia and fuchsia - some of these will go on our shady doorstep, but we’ll let them enjoy a bit of sunshine for a while. Talking of flowers, our beans (runners, borlotti, French and Gigantes) are all on their way.
Runner bean flower
The Gigantes is winning (of course it’s a race) and there’s only one plant so I hope it produces a lot of beans!
Bean Wigwams
The race is also on in the squash tunnel. The Butternut is definitely winning. In fact, some of the plants look more like bush varieties, but I hope that isn’t the case… Look how dry it gets between watering, but we have the bottle waterers so the roots are reaching water and the plants should be fine when there’s a bit more foliage.
Squash tunnel
A lesson learned this year: don’t write labels with stupid pink pen! They’ve all faded so I need to re-do them, or just wait and see what develops - Yes, that’s what I’ll do.
Squash varieties
Ivan let me pick some of his blackcurrants so I made a sauce with added lavender. It was so delicious on ice cream or vanilla soya yogurt and look how pretty it was pre-cooking.
Blackcurrant and Lavender
The broad beans are over now. I had the last, rather gnarly, ones fried into ‘falafel’ the other night. They were very tasty made of broad beans, mangetout, onion, garlic, cumin - all ground together and fried. I couldn’t get them to hold together so fried them in metal pastry cutters. I had them with a grain mix and a tiny courgette and tiny patty pan. And, I successfully microwaved a couple of beets ☺️ 
Neal gave us beets, turnip and lettuce yesterday. It made for a tasty lunch. The thinly-sliced raw turnip was nicely peppery. I had the remainder boiled with dinner, very tasty but no longer peppery. I must grow some again next year.
The wildlife plot is doing its job attracting pollinators. The bumblebees love the evening primrose flowers.
Evening primrose
They also spend ages on the teasel flowers - the plants are over 8ft now!
Teasel flower
This mallow is stunning, but doesn’t seem to attract as much wildlife as I thought it would. I’ll keep an eye on it over the next week as there are loads of butterflies about now.
So that’s me caught up before the holiday-on-the-plot begins. Great song by The Soup Dragons


  1. We have the same mallow plant that just arrived in the garden, It's attractive enough to be left in place. I bought some pens to write on freezer bags which I reckon would be good for plant labels. Who needs a gym when you have an allotment to water?

    1. It is a lovely looking plant. Rain is threatened this evening - wouldn’t that be welcome? But I doubt we’ll see it..


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