
Wednesday 20 July 2022

In A Moment

Hands up who else was flagging like this yesterday!

Courgette sagging in the heat
Sagging Patty Pan plant
“When leaves show their undersides, be very sure rain betides” says the Farmer’s Almanac. Well, the rain reached Swindon but missed Hungerford, so I think it was wishful thinking for the beans, or perhaps they wanted us to do some more watering. 
Leaves turning round to receive rain
Watering just isn’t the same as rainfall, so we had to water twice on the hottest day in Britain EVER. Such hard work 🤭 
The temperature in the shade on the allotment was 37° But look at the polytunnel temperature - Ugh! Didn’t stay in there long.
On Monday we got to the allotment for sunrise (05:10am). It felt really cold at 8° but it’s always interesting to see the site waking up and to see how much dew forms on the plants. The magpie family were flying about like they were playing in the squash tunnel and then we saw 3 squirrels frolicking. Perhaps they were dashing about to warm up, as I was.

The sun reached the top of site first.


Jamie took the haulms off one potato plant which had died back - just one Nicola out of the row. We firkled to see how the tubers were doing - no sign of blight, so perhaps the plant just died due to lack of water. Anyway, the potatoes were lovely.

That courgette was one of Neal’s. We had a larger one than that another day and I stuffed it with shallots, garlic, baby carrots and cheese. Really delicious.
Stuffed courgette
They weren’t home-grown shallots, though I have pulled ours now. Not a very impressive haul again this year.
Shallots drying
On one of the less-hot days I sowed my seed paper that my clever cousin Jen made - I’m making sure I keep the pot well-watered and look forward to seeing what appears.
Home-made Seed paper
Talking of emerging, I found this shiny golden chrysalis on a lettuce. I think it may be a small tortoiseshell. 
Rain is threatening again, but I wonder if it’ll actually fall today. We’re back to our average temperature for now which is rather a relief but I have enjoyed the blue skies.
Stay hydrated
It’s raining!! The song is provided by The Stereophonics. Good video but I don’t like the thought of crunching sand in that bread. 😣


  1. I'm not hopeful that our shallots will amount to much this tear and the onions are rather small. Not looking forward to digging potatoes either as the tops died back too soon,

    1. Oh dear, that sounds rather depressing Sue. But I’m sure your harvests will provide plenty of lovely looking veg, even if smaller than your usual hauls


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