
Saturday 9 July 2022

Hot Hot Hot

Chive flower vinegar 
Finally got round to filtering the chive flowers from the vinegar. It’s so pretty and the chive flavouring is a lovely addition to chips or a salad. I’m thinking I may make some lavender vinegar, though I’m not sure that would work on chips…
Lettuce is now joining the harvests. The beetroots are the perfect ‘golfball-size’ that I’ve read about. I thought I’d try microwaving them rather than using the hob or oven for an hour. I’m no cook or much of a microwave user, but I can confirm that 7 minutes for two freshly picked small beets is much too long. I took the lid off to find two deflated splodges! I’ll try again… 
Gooseberry crumble
I did make a delicious gooseberry crumble though; gooseberries courtesy of Ivan. It served for breakfasts and desserts for much of the week. Ivan also gave me some redcurrants which are so beautiful and made into a sauce provide a perfect topping for chocolate ice cream. Yum.
Redcurrants and sugar
We got a lot done on the allotment last weekend. I sowed another row of Salad Onions and Chinese Dragon radish - 5 days on and the radish are already up. Jamie potted up the pepper in the polytunnel and I planted the two final squashes in the tunnel - Winter Celebration. The melon and pumpkin are released and are heading off sideways.
Mangomel Melon
The cucumbers are planted in their pots, they’re very small plants at the moment but hopefully will be as prolific as they usually are quite soon.
Cucumber plants
I pulled all the garlic, but the bulbs are a bit smaller than usual. Lucky there are plenty of them, now drying in the sun on an old saucepan stand.
Drying garlic
We did get some rain, but not enough so have been watering every morning. It’s taking us more than an hour to water everything now so need to start getting up a bit earlier, or starting work later…
Altocumulus clouds
Nice to see these early morning altocumulus clouds and seeing our buddleia there reminds me that I saw my first ever Hummingbird Hawkmoth on there in the week - what an amazing little moth! Not a great photo, but it was so speedy.
Hummingbird hawk moth
Anyway, that was all last week. I’m looking forward to a hot, hot, hot weekend though am rather disappointed that the blue sky has turned grey in the last hour! Song title provided by Arrow. Have a lovely weekend all.


  1. Yeah, it's roasting down the allotment. I go first thing in the morning to avoid the heat. The weeds are loving the heat though. The plants themselves, not so much.

    1. Phew, yes that was a very hot day! Had the sun umbrella up on the plot and had to seek shade every 10 minutes! Beautiful though, seeing blue sky makes me happy 😊

  2. I hope that the next beetroots are okay. That's an interesting cloud formation. Lucky you seeing a Hummingbird Hawk moth, I've never seen one. Happy plotting. xx

    1. Me too, Flighty, I don’t want to destroy any more of our precious produce!

  3. I'd love some grey sky - I don't like it too hot and also need a break from watering.

    1. The sky was blue again for the afternoon and yesterday, but I did have to rest under the brolly quite a lot!

  4. I don't envy you for that heat. Here in Denmark it only at around +30 degrees for a couple of days and there is always a breeze. I also made a gooseberry crumble. I'm growing my own but these ones were purchased from the market. I hope that it has gotten cooler over there in the meanwhile!

    1. It was a little over the top, even for me! We’re still pretty warm but more liveable now.

  5. I've been singing feeling hot, hot hot in my head the past few weeks, then over the w/e went to a Birthday bash where the host put on an outdoor cinema showing Benk it like Beckham and the song hasn't left my head as there is a Urdu/Hindi version in the film. Yes, indeed it has been ridiculously hot. Much cooler this week.

    1. I always think of the Muppets when I hear that song 😄


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