
Wednesday 28 July 2021

Up in the Sky

I’ve been enjoying my holiday so far. The weather has been perfect, not too hot and some evening (heavy) showers so we haven’t needed to water too often.

Courgette smiley
Ivan let me pick a punnet of blackcurrants so I made a load of sauce and we’ve been having it with ice cream, it is delicious. I added sugar at a ratio of 1:3 so it still has a tartness to the flavour.
Blackcurrant sauce
We had a lovely picnic on the plot for my birthday - my sister gave me a veggie hamper from a local deli which was perfect for the hot day; better than the planned bbq.
Veggie Hamper
We’re doing quite well keeping up with the courgettes. Now joined by Patti-pan squash, which I think have a bit more flavour than the green bush courgettes.
I’d not really appreciated how delicious cold roast veggies are before. I’ve been having them for lunch over a few days. Beets, garlic and courgette from the allotment plus other bought veggies at the moment. I look forward to it containing all home-grown, one day soon. Cheese, onion and nut stuffed courgettes are our other current favourite meal (particularly when I fried the onions in Oak-smoked oil prior to stuffing).
I’ve pulled the remains of the broad beans, where the leeks will be planted. The broad beans left on the plants were well past their best, but there were enough good ones to make broad bean and courgette soup using this recipe from Riverford Organic. It tastes really nice and creamy.
Broad Bean and Courgette soup
The Jermore shallots have done all that they can, so they’ve been moved to the polytunnel for a bit of final drying. They didn’t grow as much as expected, with some very small bulbs and the clusters per planted shallot were rather weak. There are enough reasonable-sized ones to have a jar pickled for Christmas and the rest will be nice additions to various meals.
Most of the beans are flowering (not the edamame or dwarf french yet) and a few tiny beans are appearing on the Scarlet Empire runners. I think the Borlotti flowers are the prettiest, so delicate, but the pure whiteness of the Gigantes beans is also rather stunning.
Bean flowers
Monday was a sunnier day than we expected so we took some photos with the camera on the end of a 6ft bamboo cane.
It gives an interesting alternate view of the world.
But then Ivan offered us his fishing rod extension - 4m gives an even better view! Can you see our sun umbrella at the further edge of the site, near the tree?
All the plots are looking so amazing this year. It’s beautiful to wander round. Even the less well-kempt ones look nice because there are so many butterflies (I really must try to do the Big Butterfly Count today) and birds - we’ve been enjoying watching a family of bullfinches on a neighbouring plot (see my wildlife blogpost).
So that’s why I chose today’s song by Oasis. If you’d like to see more of the photos, they’re on the Marsh Lane Allotments Facebook page or here on Google Photos.


  1. I've been tempted at times to get myself a drone to take aerial footage of the plots. But once done what would I do with the thing. Seems a lot of money just for a couple of shots. But it would give an interesting perspective.

    1. We had a friend shoot a drone video a few years ago. We loved it. Just having viewed it again I’m shocked at how many plots we had at that time. We need it re-shot, but when we’re out of COVID and can have crowd scene.
      I was given a drone once. On its first trip out it went 1000 metres straight up, then came down at speed and we can only think that it crashed without trace into the canal on the other side of the hedge!!

  2. Подписалась на Ваш блог! Интересна природа и сюжеты, спасибо! Я из России! Буду рада общению!

  3. Firstly belated Birthday wishes, i hope you had a good day! The smile in that scorched courgette made me chuckle! Sweet of your sister, that veggie hamper looks like proper deliciousness. Roasted veg in oak smoked oil sounds good and yes, cold roasted veg is under-appreciated.

    1. Thankyou! Ah, this seems so long ago when we had some proper sunshine!


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