
Tuesday 20 July 2021

Pink, Orange, Red

Phew, it's been a sweltering few days - Close to 30°. Both Saturday and Sunday we got up the plot reasonably early and then had to return home for lunch and a siesta. In fact, it was really too hot to do anything but we had to water, water, water of course!

Flowery Ice Cubes

They're my flowery ice cubes - pretty aren't they? They clouded up a bit more once they were fully frozen. I need to try again and be a bit more careful with the design. None of the flowers are poisonous, though I'm not intending to eat them - there are borage, viola, calendula, runner beans, cornflowers, daisies and buttercups (though these are toxic if eaten in large quantities). I think they'll be a marvellous addition to a Pimms 😊

Rocky Cucumber

And here come the Rocky mini cucumbers to also add to that Pimms! All the squashes have gone crazy. The two New England Pie pumpkins are winning with the fruits getting quite large and the foliage providing good ground cover.

New England Pie

In second place are the Tromboncino squash which are going to take over the world, maybe two plants was too many! They're only tiny at the moment, but I see that you can eat them as baby squash so I think maybe I'd better start...

Baby Tromboncino squash

This is a Spaghetti squash, which is climbing well.

Spaghetti squash
 And, I think these are a Boston and either a Honeyboat or a Crown Prince.

Winter Squash

It's getting a bit crowded in the tunnel. I keep lifting the trailing shoots and encouraging them upwards rather than along the ground. I haven't needed to use string yet as the tendrils are hanging on tight so far.

Squash tendrils
Jamie pulled the first Nicola potato - he didn't furkle too much as we only needed a few spuds for a couple of meals. Very nice small salad potatoes to go with our courgettes ... so many courgettes! We've added one to the freebies shelf on the allotment and even had to compost a couple that were marrow-sized already. Again, two plants was clearly too many of the All Green Bush variety!

I was going to use a sunny song, I've been waiting for blue skies for most of July and it is lovely but I heard this song on television the other day (Guy Garvey's From the Vaults programme - it's great) and knew I could match that to a blog post 😊
Pink, Orange, Red

So please enjoy The Cocteau Twins. Try to singalong but it's a made up language, so don't bother trying to understand it!


  1. Beautiful flower ice cubes and those squashes and cucumber also look very good.

    1. The ice cubes were nice in gin, especially as it became lavender flavoured once the ice melted. Really nice drink, but the bits of debris were a bit annoying 🙄
      I was thinking you could probably fit a squash flower into your giant ice cubes

  2. It's been too hot for me. I like the ice cubes, good idea to add some colour to them. Your cucurbits all look to be doing well. xx

    1. Yes, a bit cooler today. Not quite so exhausting doing the watering!

  3. I adore your flowery ice-cubes, i've been intending to do so with my borage flowers than come every year. So far only done ice-cubes with blue berries and some with mint herb, i also tried with wild strawberries but it did not work so well, as mushed. I will have to try with the flowers, so lovely. And indeed your cucurbits are looking good.

    1. Thanks. The borage worked well as the flower stayed whole. I should have been more delicate with the other flowers to try to keep them together, but they are a nice bit of colour and lavender gin was very tasty

  4. You only have to look away and the tiny courgettes have grown to monstrous proportions haven't they?

    1. Yes! And I just saw your post with a mass of courgettes! Once they start to deliver they really start, don’t they!


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