
Saturday 31 July 2021

Slow and Steady

Squash tunnel
The squash tunnel is enjoying the rain - we had torrential showers yesterday. The tromboncino have reached the top first but others are joining them. I have been manipulating them skywards but they do prefer to grow sideways and along the ground. 
We didn’t visit the plot today as we had stuff to do at home, plus Hungerford is jammed up because the M4 is closed this weekend. The Sun didn’t show itself at all and there weren’t even rain storms to encourage as outside.
I’ve finished varnishing the crate that I decoupaged using seed packets, allotment magazines and seed catalogues. It’ll be useful for displaying things at the food festival and other HAHA events when they start happening again.
I made a lovely rice dish last night (well, I thought it was tasty) with turmeric and smoked paprika flavouring. It was just courgette, onion, tomato and garlic - I love this kind of meal and it’s so colourful too.
And I did my Big Butterfly Count in the week. I thought I’d hang round the lavender but all I counted was:
3 x Large whites
1 x Small white
4 x Small tortoiseshells 
1 x Small skipper
If the sun re-appears I’ll try again. I’ve seen so many other butterflies on site recently, so it’s a shame they were a no-show but not so unusual!
I’ve made a Google album showing the different flowers on the HAHA Wildlife plot, it’s looking rather lovely at the moment - lots of pinks and purples.
HAHA Wildlife plot
So that brings us to the end of July and just one day left of my holiday, shame as it’s been a lovely break but I know I have another few days off at the end of August so not too bad and obviously I’m still working from home so no commute - hoorah! The song, by Of Monsters and Men, is in reference to the decoupage, which I see that I started in March - well, there was no hurry 🙂


  1. I've seen very few butterflies this year except gatekeepers and the whites. I did see one tortoiseshell on the buddleia this week though. The trays/boxes look great. Our supposed to be climbing courgette prefers to sprawl too, The rice dish looks like my kind of thing,

    1. On the sunny days there have been masses of butterflies on/in/around brassica cages and our hedge is very popular with various skippers and brown-looking butterflies but not when I was doing my count :-)
      Glad you like my decorated crate. I was pleased with it. Thanks

  2. your rice dish looks tasty. i do love zucchini. love the flowers and butterflies.

  3. i remember a while bck you saving images of fruit and veg seed packets and have been waiting to see the final result. I adore the crate that I decoupaged crates, i wish i was motivated to start up that foldable shelf project that i have in the garage (for my former veg business) as i had similar ideas, but it did not happen, maybe one day. I will admire yours for now. The veg paprika rice sounds yummy, great way to use up homegrown veg.

    1. Thanks Shaheen. Well, you have a puppy at the moment, so I think your hands are full, but I'm sure one day your shelving will come out of the garage and be revitalised!


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