
Sunday 31 January 2021


It was bright this morning so we decided to visit the plot. By the time we got there it wasn’t very bright but it was very cold ... brrr. I’m only slightly sorry that the snow started about 30minutes after we got home.

Hungerford allotment
The ground is far too wet to dig, but we decided to weed and trowel over the area where the shallots will be planted. Quite a satisfying bit of work. We’ll get the shallots planted as soon as it dries a bit. If it doesn’t dry off soon we’ll have to start them off in pots.
Hungerford allotment
While we were working we noticed a flock of redwings; it was at that point we decided to do the Big Garden Birdwatch 😊 and had quite a good count:
No sign of the robin unusually and I didn’t attempt any photos. The kestrel was hovering over the site and then we saw him land on an aerial so I won’t add it to the official count.
Yesterday I went through all the seeds and have a planting plan, (I know! Haven’t been this organised for a few years!) Of course, it doesn’t include any offerings from fellow plotholders which I find so hard to refuse and there are a few things missing, but we know where they’re going eg spuds, toms, peppers,..
Allotment plan
All the trailing squashes, apart from the pumpkin, are going to form my squash tunnel which I’ve been talking about for years! Ooh, it’s a dangerous thing... to make a plan in the middle of a pandemic, but fingers crossed. 
Something I planned for, and did yesterday, was to make some of Shaheen’s Sweet Potato & Cumin soup. I’ve had a taster and am very pleased that it should provide me with 3 or 4 tasty workday lunches. Thanks Shaheen! And a few leftover sweet potatoes to make some roasted wedges for tonight - yum!
Sweet potato and cumin soup
The song title is by Tori Amos. The snow has stopped now and turned to cold rain with dripping wet trees. Bye-bye January.


  1. It seems you have made a perfect plan for your plot. Happy (prepare) gardening!

    1. I have enjoyed planning but now just want to get sowing - a bit too early for us though!

  2. Well done on doing some weeding and troweling, I've done nothing so far this year. That's a good Birdwatch count, especially the redwings. I've got all my seeds and done my planning, now just marking time. Take care. xx

    1. Thankyou. I think we wouldn't have gone to the cold plot yesterday if I wasn't shut in working from home all week - I really needed a bit of fresh air! It was a real bonus seeing the redwings, I've only seen a single one on the site before.
      Marking time...yes, wishing our lives away!

  3. It's even too wet to weed here!!!

  4. Your so organised, i admire. I am just utter chaos these days and do things as i go and if necessary. Wow kestrel and redwings are two birds i don't think ive seen around my way, but we do have a regular Great Spotted Woodpecker and a Jay that was a big surprise. Ah, thank you too for the kind mention. So glad you made the sweet potato soup for yourself and good old sweet potato wedges to come!

    1. Haha, perhaps it's because I'm working from home and the organising part of me is spilling over into my home life! Ugh, how frightening :-D
      Aah, I haven't seen a jay for years - that's a good spot!
      The soup is delish, I'm eating it at this very moment :-)


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