
Saturday 30 January 2021

Everybodys Got to Learn Sometime

I took a day off work last Tuesday, I’m determined to have at least one day off a month to break the monotony and it’s quite nice having a random mid-week day. We visited the allotment. Too wet to do anything constructive but I did get to play with some ice.

Ice bubbles
It looks so pure and I love the frozen bubbles.
Ice circles
I found three frozen circles, but my hands were also frozen so this is as creative as I could be 🙄
Ice circles
The thermometer in the polytunnel showed a minimum of -5.2°
Burns Night celebration
We celebrated Burns Night on Monday, which was why I took Tuesday off. It’s a good excuse for eating, drinking, listening to some different music and watching a film (Whisky Galore, 1949). We are increasingly finding that we’re the butt of the very funny Daily Mash articles but..whatever!
It warmed up a bit over the last few days but now it’s just rain, rain, rain and it apparently feels cold so I’m staying indoors. It’s a shame, as I really feel like getting to the plot to do some clearing, but I don’t feel like getting cold, wet and dirty. Our shallots have been delivered; we ordered a long variety, Jermore, but COVID-19 is taking its toll everywhere and so they were unavailable and we’ve been sent these, Mikor.
The allotments lease is unfortunately a newsworthy subject again, but the date we’re ‘safe’ to is actually 31st December 2022 so it’s not quite as bad as it reads, but bad enough. For our amazing site to ever be at risk of development is a disgrace!
Newbury Weekly News
And there was a further mention of allotments in this week’s Newbury Weekly News... at a time when Growing Your Own has had a new lease of life. It is appalling that developers can use words to help win a purchase but then simply remove it at planning stage and still be granted permission. We’d rather stay at Marsh Lane (obviously) but permanent allotment provision should have been included in this development. And don’t get me started on the affordable housing aspect...! 😡
Newbury Weekly News
Sad... it may seem at times like the world is changing, but in fact it’s not.
Today’s song title is by The Corgis and it’s referring to my crochet plans... it’s a rather slow process, but I’ll get there... I hope.
That is what I achieved in 3 hours, following Bella Coco on YouTube... luckily I have some time on my hands..!


  1. It mist be most unsettling living with the sword of Damacles poised over the site. It would be such a shame to lose your plots after all the hard work and having such a lovely community. I don't think I could face having to start again from scratch.

    1. It would be dreadful and we so hope it won’t come to that! I think we would be willing to start again, but many of our fellow plotholders wouldn’t and what a waste of a perfect site that would be 😢

  2. The newspaper articles a chilling! Those developers are taking the mickey - and being allowed to get away with it. Your council has a legal responsibility to facilitate allotments where there is a demand, but somehow it is only the developers who get the benefit of the blind eye after all those good intentions have been swept aside. (Song: If You Tolerate This - Manic St Preachers)

    1. I know! It’s appalling behaviour and shouldn’t be accepted but our small town council is basically over-ruled by the district council which looks at numbers, rather than the bigger picture 😡
      That is a good song title Mal, I’ll keep that in my back pocket!

  3. Wow what were the three frozen circles formed upon? such splendour when posed that way like a piece of art work. Afree with Mal that the articles chilling; and sadly property developers do often get their way when there are ppl on the council happily to go along with them in return for something. We have a problem where i live, its been in the news that an incinerator site given permission where we live and none of the council who permitted this live in the area.Admrie you got to celebrate Burns Night, its the first time in years I've not done anything at home.

    1. The ice was from 3 plastic tubs which were full of rain water - I noticed that they had melted at the weekend.
      I don't like local councillors not living locally - I'm sure that wasn't the original intention and invariably causes grievances and mistrust!


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