
Sunday 7 February 2021

This is How it Feels

 Brrr, that’s cold! 

It was tempting not to go out today as the weather forecast extremely chilling winds, but we have our shallots that need to be planted and it was actually dry. The top of the site was really windy but Plot3 is quite protected so we got on with some work and I even needed to take my coat off whilst digging the caged area. It’s the brassica cage, but this is the only plant in there - you can’t really see how small it is, but I’m determined to try and get one serving from it!

It was good to be working and Jamie took time to properly dig and add 6X to the patch where the shallots will go. I just turned the soil with a spade, rather than carefully working it like Jamie did. We’ll probably cover it to stop the weeds re-emerging before the brassica planting will happen.
And he weeded round the rhubarb, which is just showing signs of life.
The sky went very dark and we got some sleet but it stayed dry. We’ve started noticing the daylight lasting a little longer each day and Spring flowers are emerging, which are such a welcome sight.

All the purples so far.

We’ve drawn up the planting plan for Plot7, really itching to get started, but all in good time... Really must try to stop wishing the weeks away!
Planting plan
I went up the road in the week and enjoyed a bit of sunshine while Jamie went shopping. It was just me and the swans. I upset that swan and he hissed at me quite soon after getting that shot - clearly not socially distanced!
We celebrated Chinese New Year on Friday night, but discovered on Saturday that it’s not actually till next Friday 🙄 Oh well, it was a tasty meal of tofu chow mein, which I just about managed to eat with chopsticks 🙂
So, that’s how February has begun and the REALLY GOOD NEWS is that I have my vaccine booked for Tuesday! Hooray! I hope the weather doesn’t scupper that plan, more on that next week, I’m sure. The song by Inspiral Carpets is sad, but for this blogpost the title is referring to the weather - I haven’t warmed through yet. I need a bath to remove the chill from my bones! Brrr.


  1. Our soil is far too wet to do any work on. Certainly couldn’t plant anything or dig. I have my jab booked for Thursday

    1. Our soil was a bit claggy but we got away with it I’m pleased to say.
      Good news about a vaccine date, I must say I felt quite emotional when I got the call (and I’m not usually very emotional).

  2. You were lucky to do what you did. I like the swan picture. I had my first vaccination last Friday. Take care. xx

    1. Yes we have surprisingly good drainage in some areas, considering we’re on Marsh Lane!
      Hope all is well with vaccine.


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