
Sunday 24 January 2021

Once Around the Block

Look what we woke up to this morning! Such big fluffy flakes!

Finally some snow reached Berkshire, after seeing so many beautiful snow photos from around the country.

Hungerford snow

Actually the weather forecast did predict it, so Jamie was doing a snow check every hour until it arrived at 7am 🙂 We couldn’t resist going for a little walk in it, just round the block, to hear and feel the crunch underfoot - it’s just so special.

The catkins were highlighted against the monochrome environment.


We weren’t fully convinced we were going to see the forecast snow but thought we’d better protect our broad beans from getting crushed, just in case, so we had a very quick late afternoon visit to the plot yesterday - a good job we did! The broad bean plants can handle the cold but damage from the weight of snow definitely causes a set-back and we do hope to get an early crop.

Hungerford allotment

Our seed potatoes were delivered yesterday, so they’re now chitting in the hall - just a few Nicola and Kestrel.

Seed potatoes

We still need to check what seeds we have in our stocks, definitely getting the feel of Spring even in the cold and snow! I’m looking forward to cooking with our own home-grown harvests again. I made onion and butter bean soup with Ivan’s giant onion - it was lovely and creamy.


And had delicious halloumi with red onions and peppers in the week. Mmm, halloumi...

Halloumi with onion and peppers

The snow has melted from the trees and roads but is remaining on the rooftops so it still looks pretty. I’m glad we were able to see it falling and have a walk.

Hungerford snow

And it meant I could use the great song title by Badly Drawn Boy from the amazing The Hour of Bewilderbeast album.


  1. Our seed order is taking longer than usual as the seed company have had more orders and less staff working, I just hope they have what we need in stock.

    1. I’ve read that some seed companies are struggling with the increased demand. You got your order in early so hopefully they’re just slow.
      We went through our seed stocks. Threw away any with 2018 or earlier date. We have placed orders with 2 companies for some items that we’re missing.

    2. I braved a visit to an nearby eerily quiet garden centre the other day to buy some seed potatoes before they start sprouting in their overwarm building.Managed to find some favourite varieties but no Kestrel.I was going to take pot luck and wait to see what else there was locally in March but have since ordered some Kestrel and more Nicola online from Simply Seeds.Relatively low price per kilo and high postage but with the advantage that they are storing them in their cold house with delayed delivery to me on 10th March.

    3. I must say I was very pleased to see how empty the garden centre was and ours had plenty of spuds. Our mail order ones have arrived a bit early - will need to keep our hall cool.

  2. Very atmospheric! And you have secured your seed potatoes. (Supplies disrupted here by pandemic/weather/etc.)

    1. Yes, our spuds arrived surprisingly quickly. Your weather is continuing to add to the disruption, I see.

  3. Ah good to see you have seed potatoes, we don't think we'll get to the garden centre this year if things continue the way they are, so will have to rely on the seeds we have from last year. Ps liking your new background. Like a 1970s kitchen wallpaper. And yes, snow - i only went out back in the garden, but not for too long bbbrrrr.

    1. Haha, 70s wallpaper...hmm, now you mention it!!
      We’ve been lucky with our online orders for seeds, potatoes and plants so far
      And I drove J to the garden centre today to get some grow bags. There were only two people in there - so if you can time it right...

  4. You protect your plants so well! Thanks for the idea.

    1. And just in time :-) They’re released again now


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