
Monday 8 March 2021

Someday Soon

Oh, I do love a close-up of a chitting potato at this time of year :-)Chitting potatoes Here's another for your enjoyment (or at least, for mine)Chitting Potatoes 

Look at those tiny emerging leaves, so cute. Talking of er.. cute... here are some more <ahem> 'babies'.

Lots of teeny tiny snails waiting to emerge from hibernation just in time to breakfast on our seedlings. Pesky things! I hope now they've been revealed that a thrush will find them - over the hedge, where I moved them to!

HAHA arranged a manure delivery in the week so lots of people were working on the site at the weekend, even though it was cold. I wheel-barrowed 5 loads to Plot3 - it couldn't be further away from the manure pile, so that was a workout that my lockdown-body isn't used to!
We had a lovely few hours on the plot yesterday. By the time we got there, the sun was just strong enough to burn off the clouds and coats and jumpers were soon removed. Especially as we were digging. I dug a trench where I'm going to try again to grow celeriac.
The shredded bills and well-rotted manure will hopefully provide enough water retention to help these thirsty plants to bulb up. We'll see... I know they need A LOT of water. Anyway, first I need to get the seeds to germinate, which I'll do at home as they like to be warm.
Hungerford Allotment blog 
And Jamie dug the carrot trench. He got the raw deal. There were so many roots in that part of the plot - well, there certainly aren't any roots of stones left in there when he'd finished.
Hungerford Allotment
Last week I was eating this really tasty Chestnut and Fennel soup - I topped it with some Seaweed (Kelp) Flavour Boost with either chives or chilli to add a bit of interest.
Chestnut and Fennel soup 
The song title is provided by KT Tunstall. Because, someday soon I'll be making soup with home-grown veg again and sitting on the plot watching things grow... And we'll be out of lockdown (my fingers are crossed).


  1. I’ll be interested to see how you fare with celeriac

    1. I tried to grow from seed before but ended up having to buy some seedlings. Fingers crossed

  2. One Fine Day? (Not so keen on chits myself, but everyone to their own taste.)

  3. The colours in the first picture are amazing, as is that pile of manure. I'm glad you didn't have to move it all with your wheelbarrow.

    1. Thankyou. Yes, we’ll be having a few more barrow-loads but not too many in one go!

  4. Good post and pictures. I was looking closely at some of my potato chits the other day. xx


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