
Sunday 14 March 2021

Hold On

Such a windy few days! I’ve been busy all week with work, but have enjoyed looking out at sunshine, rather than needing to brave the wind. I have a decoupage project that I’m working on so have been cutting pictures out of the seed catalogues but it has been making me want to buy more. I’m sure you know what it’s like!


We had a few hours on the plot this afternoon but it was still horribly windy and rather cold. Our plots gained some pots and compost bins but luckily the only damage was to a table; the glass tabletop landed in the manure pile so didn’t smash ๐Ÿ˜†. I was pleased to see that our polytunnel is still intact and most of my mangetout have germinated as have the marigolds.

Mangetout in drainpipe

We’ve set up an old fire guard as shelving for more seeds in the polytunnel. And have sown the celeriac seeds at home. I was amazed to see how tiny the seeds are!

Tiny celeriac seeds
I sowed all 40, as they can be tricky to germinate. I could have sowed them in a tray but I was keen to use these cut-off milk bottles. They’re under a cover in Jamie’s foil-coated windowsill germinators. And we have some more marigolds germinating at home too. They make such a great display and bees like them.

Meanwhile more buds are appearing everywhere you look and the birds are pairing up. It seems so Spring-like, until the wind cuts you in half! I wouldn’t want to be a seedling out there right now... just need to hang on a bit longer...

Strawberry bud
We left the site just as it started to rain, having achieved little, but at least it was a bit of time spent outside. Look at it, just waiting...
Hungerford allotment
To be honest, I would have sowed something outside if it had been a bright sunny weekend. Instead, I’ll hold on.. What a great song, provided by KT Tunstall.


  1. I am on to my second sowing of celeriac after disappointment with the first๐Ÿ˜. Nice song. (JJ Cale wrote a lovely empathetic song with the same title which is a favourite with me)

    1. Oh dear, well I’ll resort to buying plants again (hopefully) if my seedlings fail.
      JJ Cale, I’ll give that a listen

  2. Your plot looks pristine. Martyn has lined our grow light with foil too. ler's hope the weather is more conducive to being outdoors soon.

    1. Yes, Our ‘fallow year’ has definitely helped us get the plot ready this year.

  3. Loking forward to your decoupage project, its something that i had planned to do years back with veggie pictures, but it never happened. I am a terrible procrastinator ! And worse for project ideas that never happen. I have sowed some celeriac seeds too, they didn't grow so well last year. Gonna try again. Agree with Sue, our plot indeed is looking pristine. I am hoping to do a bit of gardening at the w/e/ And thanks for sharing a lesser known KT Tunstall song.

    1. :-) I’ve had a lot of hobbies over the years. They come and go! But COVID-19 has rejunevated some of them.
      It’s a great song.


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