
Tuesday 1 September 2020

Get Up, Stand Up

 Not a sunny bank holiday Monday, but perfect weather for actually getting some work done.

Our new poly tunnel has been waiting to go up since last year, so yesterday was the day to finally do it.
So from this abandoned-looking plot...
To this, aah, that’s more like the Plot7 we know and love. The old polytunnel is going to be used for a squash climbing frame (plans for next year).
We’ve spent quite a few hours on the plot during the extended long weekend. We even cleared some of Plot3, what a mess!
So, it looks better, but what can’t be seen is the million tiny seedlings just waiting for a bit of rain!
It’s a shame to be clearing really, as there’s so much wildlife finding a Winter resting place. I even found another elephant hawk moth caterpillar today! My macro camera has been working quite well. Jamie found this amazing caterpillar. The id has now been confirmed as a Pale Tussock moth caterpillar. More photos on my wildlife blog, which I keep separate for each new creature I spot.
And we saw a couple of Angle Shades moths. Pretty.
And loads of white butterflies,
...along with far too many slugs and snails..!
So, lots of grub for froggy to clear up (but surely they don’t eat snails!?)
We found these rather interesting Hare’s foot inkcap mushrooms in our compost bins last week, which I think are worth a mention. They’re helping to break down all the garden waste we’re putting in the bins, along with plenty of cardboard as ‘brown waste’.
And the song title, with the rather weak link to the blogpost is of course provided by the great Bob Marley.


  1. Frogs do eat snails - so just point him’ her in the right direction. It’s good to feel you have achieved something isn’t it?

  2. The difference in both yours and yours dearly labour and invested time at the plot is so evident. ps i am not a rude person, but i won't share what first thought went through my head when i saw the Hare’s foot inkcap mushrooms!

    1. Haha, I know what you mean Shaheen. Some mushrooms certainly bring out the naughty schoolboy in all of us 🙄😀


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