
Sunday 6 September 2020

Afternoon Delight

We’ve had two lovely afternoon visits to the plot this weekend. We’ve had no rain to speak of but some great clouds interspersed with warm sunshine.

Yesterday I spent most of the time admiring the hedgerow, it’s full of berries.

We always used to say it’ll be a hard winter when we’d see this many berries, but I don’t think it’s true... we’ll see...

The topmost photo in this post is young ivy berries - the birds love them. I think it looks like the Covid-19 virus. Talking of that, I went to the hairdressers in the week! I kept my mask on throughout the visit and the salon staff all had face shields. The Government are trying to encourage civil servants to return to the office  but I don’t think I’ll have to, I hope not anyway.

Jamie and I were both cooking this morning. He was making a tomato sauce, with tomatoes from my sister’s greenhouse. Our tomato plant on site went down with blight along with everyone else’s, but at least we had some tasty fruits from it. And, as you can see, I was making another decorated focaccia, with olives, peppers and basil this time. 

It’s very pleasing to make!

We’re still getting a regular supply of courgettes and Ivan gave us some of his Red Rooster potatoes yesterday...

He had plenty to share!

And Neal gave me a couple of lovely beetroot which I roasted and am having for lunches, I’m keeping them in the fridge in vinegar and pepper. They’re so delicious and made a colourful cold snack with runner beans and roasted peppers today.

The beans are leaning after the unseasonal strong winds we had a couple of weeks ago, but they’re still going strong. In fact, they seem to be producing another lot of flowers and beans at the moment.

The title song is provided by Starland Vocal Band.


  1. I keep thinking I’m living somewhere different to everyone else. It’s been very drizzly on lots of days here not enough rain to call it real rain but enough to keep you tucked up inside. Is it is it is planted in our garden curled up at ours a few weeks ago where presuming it was due to the cold night time temperatures. When people say, “Haven’t we had a wonderful summer?” I really don’t know whether I’ve been living to have missed it?

    1. We’ve had 6.1 degrees but back up to 15 at night. Amazing how localised our weather can be! Of course, I’ve only ventured out when the weather has been decent.

  2. Good post and pictures. I had to pull up my blighted tomato plants at the weekend. That's an impressive potato crop. Lucky you with the runner beans as mine haven't done well. xx

    1. Thanks. Blight hit early for some on our site this year. So disappointing when that happens


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