
Sunday 12 April 2020

The Clapping Song

The weather has been unseasonably hot and sunny. We're enjoying watching two pairs of jackdaws with their nests in the chimneys across the road. Their nest is actually in the right-hand pot, where we see them popping down on occasion. And last night, due to the lack of traffic, I heard owls hooting. Nice.
Day 27 of lockdown and it's the Easter weekend. I recently received this pretty card from my cousin - it's always nice to receive something unexpected through the post! (Thanks Jen)
In normal times we'd be planting our seed potatoes; ours are still chitting in the hall under their grow-light, but I don't think they'll get planted out.
The horse chestnut tree opposite has come into full leaf over the last week. It's always the first to bud and I can just see a few flower spikes developing.
I knew one day I'd re-cover our chairs, which are naturally 'distressed' :-). I've been meaning to do them for a while... It was worth keeping the material sice 2007 - I found the receipt in the bag. Well, you know how time flies!
I've done a bit of cooking. I made spicy parsnip soup last week with the parsnips from our Ethel's Pies veg box.
So tasty.
And made dauphinois potatoes (no cream) to go with a sausagey-tomatoey fry. The potatoes were nice, but a bit too much effort and 1hr 30mins in the oven. I used this recipe which is rather wittily written.
We've just had a nice cheesy-biscuit lunch using the beautiful bowls we bought on holiday - can't believe that a month ago we were still in Tenerife. How things have changed!
So this afternoon we're watching the 1990 World Cup football England/West Germany semi-final, whilst eating my Easter egg - thanks Jamie! Well, there are no new matches to watch and no Euro 2020 to enjoy. Crazy times.
Meanwhile the UK has reached passed 10,000 deaths from Covid-19. Some of my work colleagues are transferring their space engineering skills to working on making ventilators (Well done to them) Every Thursday we're joining in the 'Clapping for Carers' from our windows. It's good to hear the sound coming from up the High Street.
Hence the song. Stay safe everyone x


  1. The chairs look great. You stay safe too.

  2. Actually I have no idea about parsnip. I have never tasted it and also grown it.

    1. We've had problems with the seeds germinating some years.
      Hmm, how to describe a taste? Difficult... it's sweet, but not as sweet as a carrot.

  3. Ah like you I have been watching pairs of jackdaws in the chimneys across the road, I wonder if the neighbours across the road look out at our house and are doing the same :) Good to see that your cooking - Spicy Parsnip is one of my favourite soups. Its lovely to receive an unexpected card or letter in the post. Warm wishes.

    1. Haha, everyone watching everyone else's rooftops. I read earlier that jackdaws mate for life, aah, I'm looking forward to seeing some chicks.
      Take care Shaheen

  4. It's good that you have birds and trees to look at. It'll be a shame if you can't get the potatoes planted. I like the chairs and fabric.
    Thanks, and you too. xx

    1. Yes, we have a reasonable view and even better as there's less traffic. Best wishes


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