
Sunday 19 April 2020


Day 34 of lockdown. Today it's sunny; lovely and warm behind glass but the weather vane shows the wind is probably making it feel rather more chilly out there!
The HVFB stands for Hungerford Volunteer Fire Brigade which was apparently established in 1891, with the old firestation opposite our flats being built in 1893. It's a hairdressers now, but the owner keeps the weather vane in good working order I'm pleased to say.
We had a veggie box delivered from our plotholder neighbour (THANKS NEAL!) Some of our own carrots and leeks, with a donated cabbage and I think the rhubarb is donated too - unless that's from our plot. Wherever it came from, it's delicious! I roasted it in sugar and we had it with orange juice and honey rum yesterday.. mmm.
We may be locked in, but we're not suffering! I made carrot and cumin soup, with some added celery.
The carrots are a little past their best, as you can see by the internal splitting, but the soup is still tasty. I fried the onions in chipotle oil and it's very spicy hot!
The recent hot weather followed by some rain last week, which would have been very welcome for plotholders, has encouraged more green shoots - this is our Silk Road shrub. It's so beautiful when in full flower and I love its delicate leaves.
The horse chestnut is clearly going to burst into full flower soon.
I'm pleased to say that our chitted potatoes didn't go to waste; my sister has them and she also took our two grafted Aviditas tomato plants which were delivered by Dobies last week.
The song is by Kirsty McCall (we've been watching some old Top of the Pops on tv and are up to 1989). It's a great Kinks song, but I always liked Kirsty McCall.


  1. So lovely that you got some of your own grown vegetables has been delivered to you. Super envious of your grown carrots, we will be trying again this year as we have not grown them for years, well not once since we moved to Wales. YOur carrot and cumin soup sounds lovely. I also had carrots like yours past there best from the supermarket and made a Carrot and Orange soup - hope to share later in the week. Take care.

    1. Thanks, and you Shaheen.
      I hope you have some success with your carrots - it seems to be all in the ground prep; riddled or well-very-well dug trench and no manure.
      I only had carrot and orange soup once, at work. It had far too much orange added for my taste. I'll look out for your recipe.

  2. Rhubarb looks tasty. I'm going to try roasting some.

    1. It's our preferred method of cooking now - you're meant to use brown sugar, but we don't have any.

  3. An enjoyable post, and good pictures. I've been picking my rhubarb over the past couple of weeks. xx

    1. Thanks, I'm hoping for some more deliveries :-)

  4. No rain for us - we’ve gone from mud to dust.

  5. I'm envy your cabbage and carrot, looks so healthy!

    1. Unfortunately the cabbage wasn't so good on the inside, but the carrots were good!


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