
Friday 9 August 2019


Last weekend I decided to pull up all the broad bean stalks and put them in the compost bin but I couldn't be so hasty to throw the remaining beans away and I actually made the broad bean hummus that I've been talking about for a while..
It was very straightforward:
Pod the beans, boil for 10mins, plunge into cold water and take the bean-skins off.
Blitz along with crushed garlic, pepper, lemon juice and a small amount of water. Add a little chilli powder. Voila - very tasty with crudites for lunch,  including a cucumber from Ivan and carrot-thinnings from our plot.
We pulled our first potato Foremost from one of the bags - a lovely supply of spuds; some big but lots of little ones for salads too, they're so delicious.
And, of course, we've had plenty of courgettes. The green ones Sure Thing are very tasty; much more so than the yellow ones.
The patty pan went to work as we wouldn't have time to eat it this week.
Liz has harvested a spaghetti squash and given it to us - ours are not ready to harvest yet but let's hope we like them! We have another plant on Plot3..
The flowers are growing nicely - such beautiful colours. And we have some tomatoes just beginning to go red in the polytunnel. Last weekend I joined fellow plotholders to pick up our prizes for the Hungerford in Bloom competition - £20 garden vouchers, nice!
We've had a lot of rain this week, interspersed with sunshine. Hopefully we'll get some time on the plot this weekend to do a bit of weeding... And then we need to start preparing for the Horticultural Show next weekend followed by a plotholder's get-together.
The song choice by Lenny Kravitz.... well, those sunflowers are our efforts for the HAHA Tallest Sunflower competition - we're not going to win, but they look nice, nodding their heads in that photo!


  1. Lovely sunflowers and broad bean hummus is so yummy!

    1. It was yummy. Definitely need to make more of it next year!

  2. Nice post and pictures. Lovely sunflowers and gladioli, I hope the latter are still standing after today's windy weather. Happy plotting. xx

    1. Thankyou. The gladioli are beautiful, but rather short-lived

  3. Nodding sunflowers. We have yet to harvest our potatoes, i fear the delay may mean they have gone to the slugs - hopefully not. I had intended to make broad bean hummus, but the last lot did not yield enough. I have also pulled them out the ground and in its place sowed perpetual spinach. I am not a fan of spaghetti squash, but will still be curious as to what you and Liz make of it.

    1. So far (touch wood) we've been fairly slug-free this year. Will see how we get on when we pull the potatoes in the ground today. Yes, will have to see how to deal with the spaghetti squash...

  4. The only sunflowers we have were planted by birds.


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