
Wednesday 21 August 2019

Coming Around Again

We had a very busy weekend! Saturday was the Hungerford Horticultural Show - hosted by HAHA and the Royal British Legion.
Last Friday Jamie and I ventured to the plot to pick vegetables.
We were hampered by two things:
Not enough veg and torrential rain!
We had to pick masses of runner beans, french beans and carrots to find the necessary matching ones - how can every bean be unique?! Our runner beans have gone to seed rather quickly so most weren't suitable because the beans could be seen through the pods, but we managed to find 5 similar small ones... And one gnarly looo-oonnng one :-) So, we actually won the Longest Runner Bean category - the first time ever :-)
We also won a few other placings with potatoes, tomatoes (one had been eaten by the time we took the photo),
Carrots, onions, courgettes,
And quite a few photos, including these.
My favourite category is the 5 Different veg because it's easy to use up spares. So I made up two entries with leftovers!
In the evening we found that we came third in the Vegetables section and third in the Photography section - well, there's no prize for third place but no problem with that. I had the pleasure of awarding the RHS Banksian medal on behalf of HAHA (due to our RHS affiliation) to our chairman. I was happy to do it so I'm not sure why my face looks like that :-D
On Sunday we had our Plotholders Gathering which as always was a lot of fun. It poured in the morning but the sky cleared and we had a mostly sunny afternoon for our eating and drinking session.
The song is very appropriate as this post is very similar to this time last year. And probably this time next year - with a few more exhibitors we hope, though there were 250+ exhibits!


  1. It looks and sounds like you had a busy and enjoyable weekend. Well done on entering what you did and winning with most of it. xx

    1. I do enjoy it, just wish more people joined in the fun!

  2. Your so funny, i would be too vain to share a pic of me like that - shows your good sense of humour. Congrats on coming third, like we say taking part is part of the fun, winning is just a bonus.

    1. Haha, I thought it was such a weird face I had to share 😆 I completely agree that being involved is fun!

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks, and I bought a lovely fruit cake for £2 in the auction 👍


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