
Sunday 22 April 2018


It's been an extremely hot few days and we've visited the plot each evening to water the seeds and feed the tadpoles. Even I'm struggling a bit with the lovely heat as it arrived too quickly for my body to go from chilly to sweltering - but, really, I shouldn't complain!! Especially as it's really helped the plants to come to life...
I left work a little early on Friday - it had to be a barbecue evening and we got to use our new enamel mugs for the first time too. They were on sale through Photobox and only cost £6 each with our own photos.
It was so lovely to sit on the plot as the sun disappeared and the slice of moon became more visible. We were so pleased to be joined by the first bats that we've seen this year - flitting about under the ash tree beside our plot.

Then wandering home, slightly tipsy from the wine, along warm roads - just like Summer. This blossom photo, and the daffodil, were taken at night with the flash - it's a good effect.

Yesterday (Saturday) we spent a few hours on the plot transplanting marigold seedlings and Jamie sowed some Russian Giant sunflowers. And I stared at the tadpoles quite a lot, they're so fascinating - I don't think I paid attention enough when I was little. They're not just black anymore, which again confirms that they're frogs, not toads.

I (and a few other plotholders) went to Hungerford Primary School for an hour to help with their Make a Difference Day. I planted up some grape hyacinths and took along a pot of wildflower seeds, collected last year, plus some herb plants (sage and chives). The site looked more cheerful and loved when I left and a lot of volunteers were still working - hope it stays that way for a while at least!
And here's Coldplay with the title track...


  1. Nice that the flowers are now blooming! I really like those enamel mugs as well, they are very neat.

    1. Finally the UK has seen some Spring weather - although it felt more like Summer for a while there :-)

  2. The personalised enamel mugs are a bargain. Love how you described the moon, slice! So true - I was looking at it on Saturday and marvelled at the crescent shape.

  3. It turned a bit chilly again today so the jumpers are back on. I love taking flash photos at night.

    1. I remember seeing your lovely flash photos - they do give an interesting different aspect to the subject.

  4. Glad you are enjoying the weather at last. That must have been the longest winter ever!

    1. That was a very long Winter, but am slightly concerned that we've not seen the last of it!! "Fleece on standby"


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