
Sunday 15 April 2018

Fade to Grey

I forgot to mention yesterday that we saw our first swallows on the site - darting in and out of the toolshed. And I saw my first brimstone butterfly of the year and more tortoiseshells. It would appear that they were sensibly hiding away from the rain today.
I was also hiding most of the time - in the greenhouse sowing while Jamie was digging and clearing weeds (and one giant potato). I sowed Amazing cauliflower, Floral Tribute Mixed sweetpeas, Shiraz and Golden Sweet mangetout, Rainbow chard and asparagus pea. And I planted out Medania spinach in a raised bed, as this worked so well for a fellow plotholder last year. And the Sutton broad beans are planted out and protected with cloches on Plot3.
These we've grown in the root trainer pots - they're a bit fiddly, but produce some nice roots for planting out. We only have 14 plants so far, but it looks like a few more will be ready in a couple of weeks.
I'm pleased to say that the tadpoles in the pond have survived the night and look quite happy going round and round in their bucket (sorry, I mean pond). 
Here's the reason for the title song by Visage. What a grey scene. However, it's meant to be warm again during the week...


  1. How about I planted out my broad beans today too!

    1. Great minds think alike :-) I nearly had 'one fine day' as the title, which would have been pretty apt as today is grey too :-(

  2. For two years we have had hardly any butterflies - other than the whites - on our site. I do hope that we have more this year.

    1. I thought the cold Winter might have depleted some of the butterfly population, but seems ok so far.

  3. We worked on our garden allotment plot yesterday and the only thing that has gone into the ground are broad beans. With our greenhouse being smashed early in the year die to high winds and not fixed due to poor weather, I have not been able to sow many seeds - so much of what I will buy this year will be from garden centres etc. Love seeing the progress your making .

    1. We're going very slowly this year and I still haven't sown any salad leaf - I'm going to regret that in a few weeks time!
      At least you have broad beans - we still reckon they are one of the tastiest home-grown crops anyone can plant. And they look pretty too!


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