
Friday 2 September 2016

Bank Holiday Tuesday

I'm not sure why we get an extra day off for the August Bank Holiday, but I'm glad we do! It was a beautiful sunny and hot day so Jamie and I had a barbecue on the plot.
We had a nice plate of heart-shaped cucumber, mayonnaise-y carrots and pickled garlic-tomatoes while we waited for our Quorn burgers and onions to cook on the little bbq. The garlic is still rather strong - not to be eaten at lunchtimes at work!
The tomatoes were all Orange Paruche. Very tasty but split too quickly to be used in anything where you want to keep them whole, or for cooking with where they fall apart.
I'm still managing to pass on plenty of courgettes and cucumbers at work so they aren't going to waste and we cooked one of the patty pans on the barbecue - it was quite tasty, but better cooked as part of a meal at home to be honest - like we had last night; baked and stuffed with a Bhuna curry, yum!
The Speedy dwarf beans (sown on 2nd July) are just getting big enough to harvest. We hope to make some chutney with the first crop at the weekend. They have timed really well this year as the runner beans have just about had their day (and we've had enough of them).


  1. Hola Belinda! Me encantan tus pepinos con forma de corazón. Disfruta del dia festivo y soleado.
    Un beso.

  2. Our Sungold tomatoes look similar and also split easily but I'll forgive them as they are so tasty. Loving the heart shaoed cucumbers.

  3. We were bbq-ing at the yurts on the same day. Your food looks great.


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