
Sunday 28 August 2016

I Spy Through the Rain

This is looking through the slats of the stable down to our plot at the bottom of the site - it was a rainy/misty/warm day so we spent quite a bit of time in the greenhouse or in the site stable. All I did was a bit of weeding, picking and taking photos anyway, so it didn't matter that it was rainy - at least it wasn't cold.
I put the camera on a long stick - it looks better from ground level!
The rainbow chard stems are the brightest thing on our plot at the moment - almost glowing in the misty light!
The pumpkins on Plot 3 are amazing... Two plants and at least 7 large pumpkins. The foliage is beginning to die back as you can see.
This was that plant 8 weeks ago - isn't nature amazing?!


  1. Hola Belinda! Tu huerto esta precioso y muy cuidado. Yo sigo dando vueltas a poner un invernadero.
    Un beso.

    1. Un invernadero esta muy bien. Para nos refugiar de la llovio!

  2. We have spent quite a bit of time in our shed this year too.

    1. It's nice but would prefer to be sitting outside in the Summer!

  3. Can`t believe your pumpkins are so yellow. Ours are still green.

    1. These are Jack of all Trades - 95 days to maturity (apparently). So should be just right for the Hungerford Food Festival and Halloween

  4. Wow, your pumpkins are massive. I admire you, when I had the allotment I was a proper allotmenteer going there in all weathers, now as its in my backyard that I grow veg, I have become a bit lazier - I am hoping all that changes next year.

    1. Thanks. We don't have a garden so spend all our spare time on the allotment. You do all your lovely cooking, so don't have as much spare time as us!


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