
Saturday 12 March 2016

Out with the Sun

We had a lovely few hours on a sunny allotment site today and it was nice to see fellow plotholders also taking advantage of the warm sunshine. We even saw some tortoiseshell butterflies and bumblebees so it was very Springlike.
I've re-discovered my Fujifilm camera, with the Super Macro button...
Well, these crocuses look lovely from every angle!
This is the remains of a squash, I think...
Interesting isn't it? 
It was amongst the green waste that we piled on Plot3 in October. Jamie dug it in to the bean trench today, along with some great home-produced compost - look at all those.happy healthy looking worms from our compost bin!
Jamie also transplanted the little rhubarb plant that wasn't doing very well on Plot3. It's on top of a hole filled with compost now, so perhaps we'll get to taste it this year.
I sowed 24 broad beans into pots - Masterpiece Green Longpod. We've not tried this variety before. We normally sow directly into the ground, but the mice enjoy them so much just as they germinate we've decided to protect them more this year. They're on a shelf in the greenhouse, under a plastic cover so we hope they'll survive till it's time to plant them out!
We left as the sun was going down and the birds were singing sweetly as they were going to roost.


  1. Our crocuses were lovely today too and took similar photos. We had a bumble bee in our greenhouse so I hope that it noticed our fruit tree blossom.
    I hope no trypophobics viewed the squash photo. :-) I've just been reading about them.

    1. That bee can do the bits you missed with your paintbrush!
      I had to look up 'tryophobic'. Fear of holes. What a shame! I rather like natural patterns involving lots of holes!

  2. Sunshine!! Love the pics except for those disgusting worms - yuk

    1. Worms are friends, don't be mean about them :-)


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