
Saturday 5 March 2016

Hail to the Plotholder..

Hail and cold winds, sleet, rain but also sun! Yay! It's March! And the birds were out in numbers. I've updated the wildlife blog, but I can't resist adding this photo here.
So exciting when you see that flash of bright red!

Jamie had a morning session on the plot and I joined him after lunch. He had dealt with the rhubarb; weeding the area and adding manure around the two plants on Plot 8.
We cleared all the dead foliage from the strawberry plants and Jamie planted up a couple of new plants to fill gaps in the row that we planted in 2014.
This row was going to be pulled out this, their 4th, year (they were planted up in September 2012), but if it's the last year on Marsh Lane then we won't waste time on that job. The plants are really over-crowded so don't look that pretty but I'm sure they'll still produce plenty of tasty fruits.
We ate the last of the leeks last weekend, so we've cleared, dug and Grow-Mored that part of the plot. That's where our Santero onions are going this year. They were delivered this week so we plan to plant them out next weekend when the ground has settled a bit.
Uh-oh! Looks like a hailstorm
There were potatoes here last year. We didn't find any today, but I bet we'll find some growing there in a couple of months time!
We were pleased to get that sorted and pleased that after a few years of digging it wasn't too painful!


  1. Good work. I can't believe you might not be there next year.

    1. It is sad, especially on a day like today when it feels like the site is coming back to life :-(

  2. I thought the picture was a Robin but now I see it's not. Is it a black cap?

    1. Nope. It's a male bullfinch! Beautiful. His mate was there too but she refused to reveal herself for the camera!
      I've put some other photos of him on the wildlife blog now.

  3. Your soil looks to be In good condition, not as claggy and soggy as ours.

    1. We did take quite a lot of the allotment home on our boots but we do have suprisingly good drainage at Marsh Lane

  4. Your plot is looking so good. I love the way you raise the edge near the grass. It is a work of art. Dad Crutt would admire that too.


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