
Sunday 14 February 2016

All Routes Lead to the Allotment

Ooh, that's a chilly wind out there! We went to the allotment with a plan and stuck to it but I was happy to be on the way home when I took this photo in the St Lawrence Churchyard - it's looking so pretty at the moment with daffodils, snowdrops and crocus.

On the allotment we now have about 20 cloves of garlic planted (too cold to count) in the little raised bed. I sprinkled onion fertiliser around and dug a bit in before pushing the garlic in, just below the surface.
Here are the leeks that Jamie pulled and we also got some sprouts for tomorrow's dinner. Tonight we've got leeks and Quorn lardons (like little bits of bacon, without the piggy) in a cheese sauce, topped with potato - yum yum!
I pulled some carrots (which are way past their prime, even though they're Eskimo). They're rather slug/fly eaten and the two-legged monster may be rather tough... I may make soup, but haven't got any onions. I may use some of the miso we have left over from Chinese New Year - if the carrots are ok once I've chopped them up. Or I may just have a bath instead :-)
This blogpost got me thinking about the various routes we walk to reach our Marsh Lane allotment (as you probably know, this may be the last year for this particular site). It's pretty much a mile from home no matter which route we take.,-1.5241545,1314m/data=!3m1!1e3
  • We can walk along the canal towpath from the High Street
    • and cut through the Churchyard
    • or walk along further to the lock
  • We can walk across Freeman's Marsh, along the River Dun and then cross the canal
  • We can walk up the High Street
    • under the railway bridge and go past the library (currently under threat of closure due to Government funding cuts) 
    • or cut through The Croft past the Hungerford Club
What a lovely location we have, but, if we need to move so-be-it. I'd rather have a permanent site, in a not-so-pretty area than go through this lease debacle every year or so! The Council and HAHA are working on a plan - well, there's a workparty which I'm a member of so hopefully we will get something worked out.. soon.


  1. Rather a lot of walking! Hope the plan goes to plan.

    1. Of course, there's always the driving route, which I haven't mentioned here :-)

  2. After the picture of the churchyard, I thought your garlic bed was a newly dug grave!!! Let`s just keep positive.

  3. There's nothing wrong with a two legged carrot!

  4. Nice walks. I hope your working party can get it sorted.
    I made carrot and coriander soup recently but it was a bit boring.

  5. I have to admit, I didn't make the soup :-( I always add loads of pepper to my soups (when i actually do make them!)


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