
Saturday 20 February 2016

A Word in your Ear

Another very windy and wet Saturday, so just another quick visit to the plot. Really not very much going on on the site, but I found these Jew's Ear fungi on an elder tree branch which had blown down.
The name Jelly Ear or Wood Ear is perhaps more politically correct, but the Latin name is a bit more specific Auricularia auricula-judae. It is edible, but I didn't pick it. We have eaten it in the past. I've got a vague memory of its chewy texture, but not the taste.
Most of our visit was spent in the greenhouse looking out for wildlife. Something with four feet had walked on our raised bed and one garlic clove had been pulled up, but no other clues and no sign of mammals or even many birds today.
We walked home through the wind and rain, with a few of last years garlic harvest to have with dinner tomorrow. I hope they haven't grown when I cut into them.
Our seeds arrived in the week - look at that little lot! It'll be good to get started, but there are a few weeks and lots of preparation to do yet...


  1. I am interested to see that you buy T and M. I never do well with them and they`re very expensive. You always get good results. Have you ever seen Kings? It is on-line as well. That fungus is rather grotesque.

    1. We haven't had problems with T&M so far and get a bid discount because of the Tescos Clubcard vouchers we use.
      We do buy some through Kings - we get a discount through HAHA

  2. I must look up the fungi recipe as we have quite a lot of it growing on the bark mulch in our front garden.

    1. It's apparently not very tasty, just bland but always fun to get a bit of free grub :-)

  3. Maybe a nocturnal creature You need to set up a camera trap or would someone make off with it?

    Fungi is fascinating isn't it?

    1. We will probably set up our camera to see what's moving about - would love it to be a fox, but it could just be a cat...

  4. I have ever grow that mushroom indoor, in my kitchen. We really love it, it great for soup. You have lots of seeds to be sowed, Happy gardening friend!

    1. Perhaps I should try tasting that fungi again then!


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