
Monday 14 December 2015

Marsh Lane Allotments in the Media

Marsh Lane in 2010
The Council meeting last week didn't go far to lift our spirits regarding the future of our site. However, it was great to see the room over-crowded due to the number of plotholders who turned out - we outnumbered the councillors by at least 2:1!

And the local paper (Hungerford edition of the Newbury Weekly News) had the full story on the front page and continuing inside.
A few weeks earlier I summarised our successful year of community events in the local ChainMail magazine (covering Jan-March 2016). I didn't consider that it could be my final post as an allotment holder :-(
Here's a link to my article in the Autumn issue of ChainMail. I was hoping to encourage people to make their own compost.

There's likely to be more media coverage before this is resolved, but I really hope we have a happy ending to this sorry Christmas tale...


  1. It appears to me that one faction has been resting on its laurels, the other dividing to conquer. Anyway lets hope the plot holders get the upper hand, in the end.

  2. Are you being offered a plot on another site?

  3. There's a small site (24x1pole plots) in Hungerford. It's full at the moment, with a small waiting list.
    The Council have looked/are looking elsewhere but all the farmland around the town has developer options on it :-(


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