
Sunday 20 December 2015

A Brief Visit

This was the first day we've been to the allotment since we received the awful news about the lease not being renewed and the news that the site had been broken into. We've both had colds and been busy with Christmas.
Here's a cheery photo from Longleat to stop this post being too depressing!
It started raining just as we were walking to the site, but it's still very mild. We were only dropping off some compost and checking that nothing had been taken from our plot - it hadn't been.
The site is looking rather neglected, although there are quite a few plots with vegetables, mostly leeks, carrots, parsnips and cabbages still growing. Obviously people aren't taking advantage of the dry, mild weather as we would have in previous years. So sad. We should definitely have sprouts and carrots and possibly a parsnip or two for Christmas dinner.
At least the pheasants are making use of the greenhouse. That's one of the dust baths they've been having in there!
We left in sunshine and met fellow plotholder, Vic and his family, popping in to pick veggies for their lunch. Let's hope our MP, Richard Benyon, can appreciate our position and provide some useful pressure to the landowner/developer when our Chairman and Treasurer meet him next week...
This is our treasurer, Ted, talking to BBC Radio Berkshire about our plight.


  1. I am so sad to read this, but surely common sense can prevail. Surely they can`t be so mean. So many people benefit from your allotments either in their friendships or health-wise. I hope you have good news soon.

  2. Let's hope the council and the developer can reach agreement. Good luck!😯

  3. Yes... sometimes our nearest garden become neglected too. Although it just next to our kitchen door. My raised beds are neglected too right now. We are so busy and rain almost along the day.

  4. Have you tried advertising to see if there is anyone with a large garden and can't manage it and would be happy for you to use some of it as a vegetable plot if you shared some of the vegetables with them. Also try the Landshare website that tries to put together such partnerships.


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