
Saturday 1 June 2013

Two Visits to the Plot

We got to the plot for sunrise. We intended to get there before the birds started their chorus but we were too late. They were singing beautifully all the while we were there and we could hear the cuckoo across the marsh. It was a beautiful morning; just a few clouds and when the sun rose they were a fabulous colour (the photo doesn't do them justice).

The sun reaches the the western hedge well before it lights up our plot.
The hedges round the site are looking beautiful at the moment with their shiny new foliage. The hawthorn with its may blossom is particularly stunning up close. This photo isn't photo-shopped, it's the morning sunlight giving it the pinky hue.
We went back home for a couple of hours and then returned to site about lunchtime. A lovely warm day and although windy at the top of site we found it to be quite still at our plots.
Plants in waiting

I planted up the celeriac - 2 rows about 30cm apart.
Yes, I cheated. My seed-sown celeriac is too pathetic so I bought a tray at the Garden Centre. I'm sure more germinated than are in the tray but something is nibbling them and it's just too slow growing.
Jamie took the netting off the onions and weeded all round them and dug up the persistent potatoes!
The strawberry plants, which we're growing next to our seat for the birds to eat, are looking healthy and, along with the chives, are bringing bees and hoverflies in.
Robbie came to join us as usual and watches our every move. No sign of his youngsters yet; he's still taking them plenty of worms.

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