
Monday 27 May 2013

Post Number 300!

Not a terribly exciting post but still it's a milestone :-)
We visited a very windy plot in the afternoon. It was very busy and we have new neighbours (on the plot where we saw the toad yesterday).
We took our tomatoes up but have protected them with fleece as they aren't used to being outside. A very good job we didn't take them up yesterday - it was 1°. Some people's potatoes and squashes had been burnt by frost, but it looked like our end of the site was protected - possibly because of the canal or the hedge.
Look how cosy our toms look.
The wind didn't make working with fleece very easy! We've round it round one of our bean wigwams for the time-being. We sowed another 11 Scarlet Empire runner beans yesterday as we've only had 3 germinate so far.. and still no sign of any french Speedy beans yet.
We shouldn't get any frost now but the next few days we're expecting rain and more wind - bleah!

I snipped off the excess parsnips, so just one per station now. We did some weeding around the rhubarb and removed some more rogue spuds which are appearing all over the site!

We left with three lovely leeks which will be soup quite soon - they're the leeks Malcolm gave us and have been in the ground since 8th August last year! I left a few in the ground but they'll have to go soon as they're in the way of the squash/brassica plantings.

I wrote a small piece for our local quarterly magazine. Some people on site think I have information about the end of our tenancy - I don't. Along with the 80+ other plotholders I'm waiting/hoping for a decision soon...


  1. Mm - some people always think secrets are being kept from them - I've been victim of that sort of thing which is why nowadays committees and I don't mix.

  2. I think we're all hoping that someone knows something about our lease! And that we get some information soon

  3. Well done for your article and the number of posts.


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