
Sunday 26 November 2023

The Walk

It’s been a wet month, I’ve not been inclined to move very far and work has been keeping me very busy but yesterday we had a long walk in the chilly countryside. It had been a very frosty morning and the temperature remained close to zero, but we were dressed up warm and it felt ok in the sunshine.

We walked a 6-mile circuit to Chilton Foliat, which is a neighbouring village.

It was very beautiful and near the River Kennet much of the time. This was looking West from the Fairy Bridge. The river is swollen and very fast-flowing at the moment after all the rain.
Rather strange to see a lone cygnet but he was enjoying eating the watercress.
We saw some excellent clouds during the walk - I think these are cirrostratus.Edit: Turns out they're cirrocumulus clouds.
And this photo is showing a Sundog (like two small rainbows either side of the Sun) they occur in cold weather and under the right circumstances. This parhelion effect is produced by the Sun’s rays being diffracted through ice crystals and ‘diamond dust’, described by the Met Office here
Part of the walk is up this hidden footpath which runs alongside that huge field. One of our previous plotholders has a dedicated bench along there, over-looking the fields surrounding Hungerford.
We’ve seen hares in that field before but yesterday the most interesting wildlife we saw was at the start of our walk - this little muntjac deer.
It was a very cold day, but so pleased that the Sun was shining to show off the Autumn colours in all their glory.
The allotment is looking far less picturesque, this was 2 weeks ago and today has been very dank.
We have had short plot visits each week and the broad beans have germinated. I pulled a parsnip, which had no canker, that’s a rare feat for us! I brought the squashes and parsley home to avoid the frost, but the parsnips should only improve with a bit of frosting.
I had two meals of this mushroom and chestnut casserole - so delicious! Mmm, and look at that roast parsnip - yum yum! And the other meal included a couple of the tiny pumpkins cut into slices and roasted.
I expect my next post will be in December and the Christmas lights are being switched on tonight in Hungerford. It has certainly felt Wintry this week, but definitely still looked like Autumn for our lovely walk.
Enjoy this great song by The Cure.


  1. Some lovely photos. How lucky to spot a muntjac.

    1. Thanks Sue, it was a beautiful day, so glad that we forced ourselves outside

  2. A most enjoyable post and lovely pictures.
    It's always worth taking a walk when the weather is like that.
    Allotments do tend to look rather bleak at this time of year. xx

    1. Thanks. This morning is very cold and frosty, but I'm really not sure if I can face walking out there before work today ... no, I think I'll stay put :-)


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