
Sunday 13 August 2023


It’s been another mixed bag weatherwise….

Raindrops on flower
We’ve been to the plot to either water or harvest most days. Really hot if the Sun happens to be shining, but at other times it has been distinctly grey!

But it’s been quite warm and the plants really are loving it.
The Borlotti beans are behaving as planned on the frame. They’ll be easier to pick than the Asparagus Pea (aka winged peas) which are so tricky to spot amongst the weeds and squash foliage!
The asparagus peas are still part of most harvests at the moment along with courgettes…
The cucumbers may have produced their last fruits - well, we still have a supply in the fridge. We pickled a couple in white wine vinegar with dill, mustard seeds and a few chive flower buds on 5th August.
And I even resorted to a peanut butter and cucumber roll for lunch - it was actually very tasty!
On our plot visit, ahead of the football yesterday (England beat Colombia to get to the Women’s World Cup Semi-final!) I was hoping to pick a Florence fennel bulb, but (as usual) they have all bolted - I’m sure they looked ok in the week, but they were still under their protective covering. Frustrating, I should have kept a closer eye on them. They’ll just be composted now.
Plot 7 is looking particularly overgrown! There are lots of Yin Yang dwarf beans and the Cornell’s Delicata squash as well as Jack-be-Little mini pumpkins hidden amongst that lot.
I had to clear alongside the polytunnel as snails have been getting in and eating our peppers 😒 They liked the flowerpots and the mass of Creeping Cinquefoil which has taken over that pathway. I chucked about 30 snails over the hedge - I know they may return, but I’ve at least slowed them down and they don’t have such a handy hiding place right next to the food supply! We shall keep a closer eye…
Our first aubergine is on its way and I don’t want something nibbling that. Such a pretty flower and fruit.
But the prettiest flower at the moment is the second flowering of our Delphinium. This photo hasn’t been edited at all - the sky really has been that blue at times! The plant has sent up at least four more spikes, it’s a beauty.
The flowerbed has quite a lot of Nicotiana now and Verbena Bonariensis is just beginning to emerge. I’m waiting (quite) patiently to see what another plant is which I clearly sowed, in a T-shape, but can’t find a record of… Buds are just appearing..
And lastly, this was last night’s dinner - all home-grown and rather pretty. Carrot and beetroot fritters with chard, potatoes and asparagus peas. Not a courgette in sight, or even hidden (though there are three in waiting..!)
The song is provided by the Fun Boy Three - love this version of a beautiful song. Enjoy the song and the Summer…


  1. A shame about the fennel. I think the slugs and snails were just waiting for thr rain and are now making up for the dry period.

    1. Oh yes! The snails are certainly out in force!

  2. I like the pot marigolds pictures, especially the first one. I must try a peanut butter and cucumber roll or sarnie. Slugs/snails have ravaged my dwarf French beans.
    Happy plotting. xx

    1. Aww, sorry about your beans. It’s strange how they seem to get a taste for different veg on different plots

  3. That pickled cucumber looks good. I may have to grab some vinegar whilst at the shops tomorrow to give it a go. I planted too many cucumbers as usual, so currently have a sudden late season glut to get rid of. Not sure I'll be trying peanut butter and cucumber though!

    1. Trust me, that sandwich combo is worth trying!


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