
Sunday 27 November 2022

Happy Together

I learnt a new word today after spotting this teasel amongst the dried flower heads.


Vivipary- when seeds germinate whilst still on the parent plant. Viviparous germination isn’t uncommon, particularly when it’s been rainy and warm. I have noticed it before on Nigella and calendula but it’s a bit more obvious on a teasel. We still haven’t seen any birds enjoying the seeds - we were particularly hoping to see the classic goldfinch shot - and they clearly missed a few on this seed head!

HAHA Workday
It was a HAHA workday yesterday and there was a friendly group of volunteers cutting back the hedgerow, particularly the bits growing through the fence, and clearing rotting wood from around the site including, sadly, the Wildlife Plot bench that the vandals smashed up - it was beyond repair. 
HAHA Work Day
The spikiest prunings (blackthorn and hawthorn) were used to plug gaps in the hedge in the hope of spiking any would-be intruders! The rest of the clippings were added to the marvellous bonfire.
Some of the wood was spared from the fire because it had interesting life forms so we added that to the wildlife plot wood instead. Like this fascinating fungus - Candle Snuff fungus. It’s common in the UK, but I don’t recall seeing it before. It’s also known as Stag’s horn fungus for obvious reasons.
Grey and black fungus
Another fungus, that looks more interesting up close is this resupinate polypore. New word of the week #2, resupinate = upside-down. This fungus manoeuvres it’s gills to point to the ground for quick spore dispersion. Up close it looks a bit crumpet-y to me and rather pleasing.
Crust fungus on decayed wood
Apart from fungi, one particular piece of rotten wood was home to many insects including millipedes, wood lice and centipedes. And something that does tiny rectangular poops…
Centipedes and millipedes
And a handy hint regarding garden critters: Fast moving insects tend to be good for gardens, as they’re often predators of the slow moving insects which are more likely to be pests due to being herbivores. It isn’t always the case and not all herbivores are slow (being a herbivore myself, I find that insulting 😄). We also found a few snails where they are probably preparing to hibernate. These lucky ones were found by Kate so were put back somewhere cosy rather than being slung over the hedge 🤭
A handful of snails
These and other interesting subjects such as the dredging of the canal which is currently ongoing, birds over the marsh, otters, the vandalism, obviously, and so much more were discussed during snack time after the work was completed.
HAHA Work party snacks
And the fire kept going until we left after sundown - 4pm…. The weather was dull all day and we were very lucky that the rain arrived later to dampen down the pile of ash.
Roaring fire
It was a fun and productive day, we won’t let the haters get us down too much. The song title is brought to us by The Turtles.


  1. Very educational and full of natural wonders. Out of a slightly macabre interest, how big were the square poops? Also fabulous reminder of the wonderful Happy Together and the Turtles. Those were the days ...!

    1. Thanks, I think the poops would have only been 5mm at most

  2. I do hope that you spike the dastardly vandals, You're lucky to have so many helpers - when we had an association volunteers were hard to come by.

    1. Yes, we are lucky to have willing volunteers and nice that we saw a few new faces at the weekend. We have a lot of plots which helps

  3. I have gardened for many years and I have never seen Viviparous germination. Thanks for the interesting info. I am sorry to hear about the vandalism. I can only imagine how frustrating and infuriating that must be

    1. Perhaps now you know the name you may notice it. I'm trying to keep the word in my head and will look out for it more next year. Eugh, the vandalism - horrible :-(


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