
Sunday 31 July 2022


It’s colourful-meal-time! No colour enhancement necessary for Salad Blue potatoes (they’re actually a maincrop). Fabulous looking and great flavour.

Salad Blue Potato salad
The one Salad Blue plant that we pulled provided enough potatoes for several meals and there are still a few little ones left.

Fried veggies and blue potatoes
These veggies were fried in chilli oil and included garlic so was totally delicious though only included home-grown potatoes, garlic and courgette. Our tomato plants are only just producing tiny fruits on the plants in the polytunnel and outside.
Super-fresh ingredients
As more fresh veg becomes available I’m happy to eat very simple fair. Garlic and soy sauce was all that lovely veg needed for this rice dish.
Vegetarian food
Unfortunately our patty pan have started to develop Blossom End Rot - a result of too much nitrogen. I’ve removed the dodgy fruits and put chalk pellets in the watering bottle so hopefully subsequent fruits won’t be affected. There are loads of fruits developing.
Blossom end rot in patty pan
The Sunshine, Butternut and Spaghetti squash plants have started to produce small fruits and the butternut in particular is starting to climb. Not as prolific as last year’s tromboncino,but hopefully more tasty!
Squash tunnel
We still haven’t had any rain so we’re watering daily. It has continued to be lovely and warm. Look how dry the earth is though! This is where we cut the potato haulms off as the foliage was dying off on this row of Nicola spuds. They’re a second early variety so it’s fine to stop them growing at this stage.
Dry earth
I’m thinking of sowing some Chinese leaf and Pak Choi where I cleared the mangetout yesterday. The mangetout had gone to seed during the hot weather and we considered harvesting them as peas but they were incubating pea moth, so we decided to compost them instead!
The brassica cage on Plot3 has 2 x Brussels sprouts, 3 x Purple sprouting broccoli and 1 x Cavolo Nero. They all look rather weak, especially as other plotholders are already harvesting their Cavolo Nero!
I’ve taken so long writing this that it’s now rained! So we’re off to see a wet plot for a welcome change. Need to be back in time for England versus Germany in the Women’s EUROS FINAL this evening! So exciting! Annoyingly we didn’t put the flag on the plot in time for the first match but we’re too superstitious to put it up now 🙄, hence the song title provided by Stevie Wonder!
And, because this is such a colourful post I have shared it with Dave's Harvest Monday blog, which I usually miss but enjoy reading.


  1. Your cage looks great. We are just starting to have our first ripe tomatoes but just the odd one.
    I'm not sure how I feel about blue potatoes. Ages ago they did experiments bt colouring food unexpected colours and people felt ill after eating some.

    1. The big cage is no easy to access and (touch wood) no butterflies have got in so far.
      I love a coloured plateful, but not enough to add food colouring 🤭

  2. Your squash plants look great! Too bad about the patty pans though. I am a fan of simple dishes too when the veggies are fresh. Your blue potato creations look yummy.

    1. Thanks! I know, I really hope that the chalk does the trick for the patty pans

  3. I love Salad Blue.For a couple of years I grew them in the ground with virtually no slug damage but from then on they were riddled with them. I'll have to try them again in pots.

    1. Well, there are not many slugs about this year (thank goodness) so I have been very pleased with our first harvest of this beautiful spud!

  4. Pardon me, wandering in from Google. I've never seen salad blues before! Being part Filipina, I'm familiar with Ube (oo-beh), a South Asian purple yam. It's used in a lot of sweets, from cakes to ice cream, and even a hot creamy dessert with condensed milk. No idea if I could find salad blues locally, but now I'm very intrigued.

    1. Hello and welcome 🙂 I haven’t ever eaten a yam. Potatoes are more used for savoury foods but are very versatile, delicious and these had the added bonus of being blue!

  5. Mmmmmm-mmmmm-mmmmm! Looks good! Purple potatoes and garden fresh veg stir-fries will never get old for me! So pretty. So yummy. Thanks for the funky jams for my day (just popped on the whole Stevie Wonder Talking Back album now).

    1. Thanks! Good album choice, glad to have been of service 🙂


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