
Monday 28 March 2022

Making a Fire

The clocks have moved forward an hour, so now we’re in British Summer Time. The blackthorn thinks it’s May already. So beautiful against the blue sky.

Blackthorn in Flower

It felt really summery on Saturday, I even wore cropped trousers while we had several hours on the plot, with a trip home for lunch. It was nice again Sunday afternoon when the Sun emerged through the mist. We had a bonfire so that kept us toasty for a while. We used the new HAHA incinerator; it's not so shiny now.

And that bonfire spelt the end of the sage plant. I finished clearing the area Saturday so we flattened and levelled it down and Jamie edged it with a plank.

Hungerford allotment

And now our seating area is in its new place; we're going to get some decking or something to put over the weed fabric. So now we can sit watching our own plot growing. I’ve moved the bulb tubs next to the seat, they're mostly grape hyacinth at the moment, but tulips and iris are on their way. Eventually that area will be a flowerbed and I think the area in front, next to the pond, will be for herbs (in pots, so they don't take over the world again!)

Hungerford allotment
Directly in front of the bench is a lovage plant. It’s not been looked after for the last couple of years but it struggles on. I’m hoping it’ll grow tall this year; it can grow to 2m apparently. It has a celery scent, which I love and it can be used in salads, soups and stews.
Growing lovage
I used fresh chives for the first time this year. They added a bit of extra colour to this harissa-flavoured What-the-Cluck and peppers meal, served with spinach-coloured noodles. I really like the plant-based chicken-style cluck, but Jamie finds the texture too close to chicken for his liking. He likes the Beyond Meat burger, but for me that is too much like beef.
Rose Harissa flavoured meal
I had the rest of the What-the-Cluck and peppers with rice and a leek from the allotment - just a bit of garlic salt and pepper was added as flavouring for this meal. Both really tasty and quick meals. I hope we manage to have more home-grown peppers this year.
What the Cluck, peppers, leek and rice
The birds are full of song at the moment. The robins have paired up and we've seen blackbirds, blue tits, wrens and pied wagtails squabbling meanwhile the kites soar overhead and just keep an eye on what's happening below. We saw a tiny goldcrest the other day (far too nippy to get a photo) and Jamie saw a greenfinch, which is good news as I've not seen one for a few years. The wildlife plot is greening up nicely but there aren't many flowers yet; just the cowslips, some grape hyacinths and a couple of these particularly large-headed daisies. They must have been included in a seed mix.

So that's nearly the end of March and I need to logon to work on this foggy morning - I'm glad I don't have to drive in that. The title song is provided by The Foo Fighters, sorry to have seen that the drummer died at the weekend, but at least he seemed to enjoy his life.


  1. Your plot is looking beautifully neat and tidy. It really was gorgeous weather at the weekend wasn't it. I planted out half of the new strawberry plants I bought a few weeks ago.

    1. Thankyou, only that part of the plot, the rest will follow soon... Our strawberry plants are still waiting in their coldframe; they were shoots from our plants, so hope we chose good ones!

  2. I hope your bonfire smelled better than the one drifting smoke over our plot. I've never seem a goldcrest but would love to. The greenfinches in our parts seem to be making a comeback after the finch virus hit them. We often hear their distinctive call. Something perfumed would be lovely by your bench.

    1. The bonfire didn't smell of sage as I had hoped, but it wasn't smokey as it burned so quickly. I wasn't aware of the finch virus, but that would explain it. I shall have to check what a greenfinch call is like at the moment all I can hear is blackbirds and robins. Yes, some colourful and fragrant flowers would be welcome

  3. Loving your new seating area. The weed stuff looks quite substantial.

  4. Thanks, it's in a good position now. That weed suppressant was left by someone on our freebies plot - just the right size and perfect timing!

  5. It's all looking good, and lucky you seeing seeing a goldcrest. I've only ever seen one, and I can't remember when I last saw a greenfinch.
    The weather has certainly changed since the weekend! xx

    1. Yes, the weather is freezing but nice and bright. Good to look out at 🙂
      I must try to get a photo of the goldcrest, it likes our hedge but is very nippy


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