
Sunday 20 February 2022

All These Things That I’ve Done

This week has been all about the weather. Storm Eunice hit on Friday and there was quite a lot of news of trees down in the area but our power stayed on so I could work all day; just looking out each time there was a huge gust. I saw several lorries full of wood clippings where they’d been clearing fallen trees. 

We walked to the allotment yesterday and noticed gaps in hedges which weren’t there before. The lamp post in the photo above must have been entwined by that branch a while ago, but it was the first time I’d noticed it. 

At the allotment we were pleased to see our polytunnel still standing and only a bit of minor damage. Others weren’t so lucky… here’s one of Ivan’s polytunnels 😔

Plot3 was fine but we’d gained a couple of dalek compost bins.

The North-East corner of the site had even more debris so a few of us did a bit of tidying in the hope that plotholders will retrieve their stuff before the next storm arrives (we have a yellow wind warning today).

I’ve felt a bit washed-out after my fourth COVID19 jab last Sunday, but I hope that’s a sign that it had some positive effect on my anti-bodies… The previous day we enjoyed a few hours on the plot. I divided the beautiful geum into several plots.

I hope they grow and flower as well as the original plant did. I potted on the bay laurel that my sister gave us for Christmas, I’m not sure whether it’s edible bay leaf or not at the moment. Joanne also gave us a lovely little holly bush that we’ve planted on the wildlife plot; the birds will appreciate those berries I’m sure.
I did a bit of cooking, using our festival squash and Borlotti beans, as an adaptation of this recipe. That covered me for three meals. Not too sure about using cinnamon in a savoury dish though…
I’ve updated the Wildlife blog which includes the video (which I spent hours faffing about with!) of visitors to the pumpkin which we left out specifically to see who would eat it. Here’s one of the stars of the show - so cute!
I’m looking forward to this free talk in the week. I’m enjoying reading this book at the moment. The memoir includes so much from my life too, with Greenham, Beacon Hill, Combe Gibbet and other local areas of interest along with historical, nature and political interest. It even includes Thomas Hardy references, so it really hits the spot for me!
I struggled to find a song title but chose this one by The Killers (who needs an excuse for a Killers song!)


  1. According to our plot friend we have had no serious damage but the winds just don't seem to want to let up.

    I'd be doubtful about the cinnamon too. I had a pasta recipe that called for allspice and nutmeg but I didn't think so and left it out.

    1. It’s so annoying, either windy or wet or both at the moment!
      I’ll give savoury cinnamon one last chance 🙂

  2. Good to see that your plot was mostly okay apart from some wayward debris. I hope that was the last of the winter storms, and better weather is here to stay.
    Take care. xx

    1. It’s still really windy though! Need to keep low to avoid it!


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