
Saturday 28 August 2021

Living in the Past

With a few days off last week I was lucky enough for them to be the sunniest we’ve had in a while. We had a barbecue at the plot. The sunshine ripened up some of our tomatoes before blight got them. Not many, but happy to have had some!

The peppers are still green and we may not get any if the slugs have their way. Each visit to the plot we check the plants and invariable another healthy looking pepper has been ruined by slug or snail damage…and sometimes we catch them in the act 😖
Slug on pepper
Eurgh, so many slugs and they’re so big!! We don’t help ourselves really, with so many hiding places on our plots. At least we’ve finally cleared a rotten raised bed that was sheltering at least 15 big orange slugs and Jamie dug through the area. There, that looks better. Our broad beans will over-Winter there.
At least most of the beans are avoiding damage and runners or french beans are part of most meals at the moment.
Scarlet Empire runner beans
And there’s plenty more to make a proper meal these days.
Mixed veg
That green squash is a tromboncino. One of the plants has produced these green fruits. The flesh is slightly more yellow than the usual light green fruits; the taste is the same, pretty bland. Quite a few of the fruits are really long but are rotting at the flower end and aren’t forming the bulbous seed end; seemingly because they haven’t been pollinated.
Dark green tromboncino
Our carrots wouldn’t be winning any prizes in the Horticultural Show on 18th September! Sadly we won’t be joining in this year due to my shielding from COVID-19 but at least it means we don’t have to worry about “Don’t eat that! Keep it for the show” 😄
Silly carrots
We’ve pulled our first Kestrel potato plant. They seem to have escaped slug damage too, which is quite unusual for our potato harvests.
Kestrel potatoes
The song title is specifically chosen for Neal who requested some Jethro Tull. As he won the ‘HAHA Tallest sunflower’ competition last week and he insists on using imperial (10ft 3 inches) rather than metric (3.12 metres) I opted for this song title.
Tallest sunflower
😄 Well done Neal! This song will be with you for days!


  1. It is unusual for potatoes to escape damage isn’t it. I wondered if the fact that our soil is very dry has helped. The carrots may not win a beauty prize but I bet they were delicious.

    1. Yes, our weather has switched between torrential rain and drought a few times this year. Clearly the slugs are happier in the polytunnel 😒

  2. Wow! you really had some huge produce and a huge slug..Everything looks really good and hope you enjoyed it.

  3. Tomatoes a big disappointment here. I have heard of trombonchino going rogue but yours sounds well behaved. That slug!!!. I found a snail on the flowerbud of a leek this week. Tow foot up a not so greasy pole!

    1. Eurgh, I know the blight and slugs this year have been a real hindrence.


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