
Tuesday 6 July 2021


It was Hungerford in Bloom allotment judging at the weekend so it was a busy site on Thursday and Friday, with lots of plot holders making their plots look their best. It’s a nice time to walk around because labels appear so we can see the varieties that people have chosen this year.

All our edges were trimmed - I don’t think they have to be straight ☺️, just tidy 🙂. That was where we uncovered most of the ants nests. Red ants and black ones. They sure get agitated when disturbed and both of them nibble when they get up your arms!

We only entered Plot7 and Plot3 into the competition; plot8 has a mass of weeds which we haven’t had time to clear, it’s the most ‘in bloom’ of all our plots though. At least the tidy edges may reduce the slug and snail damage - 2 of our 5 'tallest' sunflowers have been eaten down to skeletons already and they've definitely eaten more of our lettuce than we have!

We sowed some Chinese Cabbage into modules and leeks into a pot at the weekend. They're in the polytunnel for now but we'll move them outside once they've germinated. Jamie bought a basil plant from Waitrose and has divided it into 3 pots which are in the polytunnel by the tomatoes.

We've just had a quick visit to the plot at lunchtime to pick some broad beans and it's so windy! Lots of our tall bean plants have blown over but plenty more beans are available. Poor broad beans after they survived the hardest frost of the year they now find themselves snapped off in their prime :-(

Broad beans

I hope the wind doesn't cause too much damage, particularly to our runner beans, cucumbers and squashes which are beginning to make their way upwards.

At the weekend we picked the first of our courgettes, there are bound to be more to come given the number of little ones on their way - as long as the wind doesn't snap the plants. We've added some bamboo poles to hopefully hold them in place.

The song is by Beck, because we didn't win any prizes in the competition - well, we knew we were up against some brilliant plots!


  1. It's all looking very neat and tidy there. I know at the site where I used to have a plot there were always some that were immaculate who always won all the prizes, it was always a pleasure to see them. Suddenly very windy here as well.

    1. Yes, ours isn’t that plot 🙂 But our neighbour’s won this year.

  2. But you were fourth in the 4+ category!

    1. There’s no fourth place in life - happy to hear though. Thanks Ted!

  3. I have always struggled with the concept of having the "best" of anything. Why? What does it prove if I have the longest bean, the prettiest flower, or the largest marrow? I'm perfectly happy with having my own fruit and veg suitable for the plate. After all the proof is in the eating, not the looking. Enjoy your courgettes and beans. D.

    1. Oh, I quite like a bit of competition - as long as it’s friendly and treated as a bit of fun

  4. We find ants along the edges of beds too. They seem to be everywhere. A favourite method of attack is to run up my trousers biting as they go so I now tuck the bottoms of my trousers into long socks. Judging from all the larvae that they rush to rescue, things can only get worse, I hate them along with the slugs and snails which at least don't bite. Your plots look great - I'd give you a prize!

    1. Aww, thanks 😊
      Yes, this year there are definitely too many ants, slugs and snails! We need more frogs, toads and hedgehogs!

  5. Our site committee issued a "nettles flopping over paths" warning just recently! I am an advocate of positive reinforcement and incentification. So your competition sounds like a good idea.

    Ants I associate with dry conditions, slugs and snails with the damp. You are unlucky to have both at the same time. (Woodlice are mysteriously happy in both just as long as they have some rotting wood!)

    ps I am sure I have suggested Richard Hell for this topic - but how about Losing True by the Roche Sisters. Makes the hair on my neck stand up - not sure why exactly.

  6. It is certainly an incentive to the committee members to tidy our plots! And it gets the allotments mentioned in the local press again, so useful for that.
    Yep, we have the wood lice too, but I don’t think they like veggies 🙂
    I hadn’t heard of either of your song suggestions, both very different but the Roches would have one (if I’d ever heard of the before)

  7. Biting ants were a shock to me the first time i came across them, they are little but mighty. Well i for one think your plot looks lovely, so well tended. Your courgettes are glossy. And its been so long since i heard Beck - Loser song, nice to be reminded of it.


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