
Tuesday 29 December 2020


 Halfway through the Christmas break and what a lovely relaxing time we’ve had so far.

Winter sun over Hungerford allotment

Snow was threatened yesterday and we walked up the High Street through slushy ice. We saw some cars with white roofs but we didn’t see any snowfall, just cold, sleety rain.


We received some lovely presents - there’s my fabulous crocheted cardigan from my sister, which I’m living in because it’s so cosy and such beautiful colours.

We’ve eaten lots of food. We had our Christmas roast on the night of Christmas Eve, so Christmas Day’s lunch was a delicious buffet... mmm, so many tasty morsels!

Vegetarian buffet

It’s so great having the freedom to do nothing for a week! We watched the extended editions of Lord of the Rings across three evenings (over 10 hours! It didn’t feel like a marathon as it’s just so beautiful). 

Jamie stocked our crackers with Lego figures this year, so Santa has some friends (you’re never too old for Lego, surely 😄). I made this puff pastry tart-thing, with sprouts, tomatoes, Quorn ham and cheese - so delicious.
Vegetarian puff pastry tart

We visited the allotment to cover the broad beans, to prevent them getting squashed under the forecast snow. It’s so soggy but it was nice to be out of the flat, we’re only wearing the masks for effect, we had the site to ourselves most of the time. We saw two egrets fly along the canal as well as long-tailed tits and the usual robins and magpies on site. The weeds are still growing well 😒

So, now I’m wondering what day it is and what can I eat next.... hmm, here’s a rather dubious song by the Sensational Alex Harvey Band... er, it’s not exactly Christmassy so don’t listen too closely!


  1. What do you mean, its a fabulous song.

    1. I love it, but it certainly doesn’t have any Christmas spirit about it 🤭

  2. I LOVE YOUR Colourful CROCHET CARDIGAN, i wish your sister was my friend as it is something i have always wanted to learn. Please do pose in it and share. The puff pastry stars are very festive indeed and all that good food.. Like you we saw some cars not from the village, but driven into the street with white roofs but we didn’t see any snowfall, just frost.Glad you got to go to the allotment, albeit to admire the weeds.

    1. Thankyou. I too love my cardigan. The sleeves are not quite long enough for my fussy requirements! So she has sent me some wool and I will be doing my first ever bit of crochet quite soon! I’m sure a photo will appear on my blog. And maybe I’ll say that crochet isn’t too tricky, then you can do some 😊


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